| | Water Fasting

who else is in to start (water) fasting on January 1st 2022?

Let’s start 2022 on the right track. I’ll post a link to a Slack channel where I intend to start fasting on 01/01/2022 under the supervision of my doctor, you are welcome to join this journey and be supportive. You may join anonymously, the same rules as /r/fasting (such as consulting with your doctor, no spam, be respectful, etc) applies. > Slack invite: https://join.slack.com/t/fasting-hq/shared_invite/zt-10f2h727q-G1xMO1nXGPeDd42unOxNxA

Note: We’ll give people a few days to join our Slack channel, enjoy the holidays and talk to you soon.

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My goal is to fast as long as i comfortably can, Monday thru Friday, and day thru the weekend. I’ve done this the last 3 weeks and am down 11 pounds. Come Lent, if i haven’t got my goal, I’m gonna fast thru Lent until i do. Come April, i will be down 60-65 lbs.

Best of luck to you on your journey.


I might join this. I’m thinking about doing a cleansing fast after the holidays because I’m definitely eating crap on Christmas and Boxing day.

I’m going to fast for 72 hours before that…but I have another 30 pounds to lose after the holidays and want to do a carb cleanse.

Count me in…not sure how long I can go…but I’ll hang in there with you as much as I can.


I would like to do this! I think it was a few months ago I attempted a 3 day water fast but failed around 60 hours in. Overall I haven’t been doing well this year and can’t seem to keep myself in check. As soon as the holidays started I’ve gained about 15 pounds. But since January, I’ve probably gained about 35 :(


Just joined your slack, soo pumped for this (I will be starting on Monday Jan 3rd tho). Striving to complete a 14 day fast, then 7 day juice cleanse, then transition to alkaline omad for the rest of the year!

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Categories: holidays to fast a fast 3 day water fast 14 day fast 7 day juice cleanse omad