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Who is intermittent fasting and NOT doing keto?

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I usually do 20:4 or OMAD. Keto is too restrictive for me. I like my potatoes and other root veggies. I like being able to have a slice of pizza or garlic bread if I want it. IF feels like a long term sustainable lifestyle to me, so it’s important that I not have to remove foods I enjoy from my diet. I’m about 2.5 months in and almost 25lbs down (217.6>193). So what I’m doing works for me.


I wanted to make a lifestyle change, and keto would not be sustainable for me. I was able to lose weight slowly and now I am keeping it off for life thanks to plain IF (no CICO, Keto, or extended fasts), and exercise a few times a week. I am a healthy weight, feel amazing, and I can still go out with friends and eat delicious food.


I’m doing OMAD, no exercise, and no particular diet besides not eating added sugar. I’ve been losing 1 lb a week for 6 months now. I never lost weight on keto and it wasn’t sustainable for me. Anything resembling a “diet” sort of just backfires on me. I certainly eat carbs with every meal, but try to eat carbs that are higher in fiber.


I do IF 16:8 most days, no keto and it works great. I most do IF because it feels better for me versus for weight loss. I started about a year and a half ago doing IF a few days a week and quickly transitioned into doing it everyday. I play around with stop/ start times and give myself some leeway with cheat days when I’m out with friends.


I like food waaaay too much. So I just count calories and eat in a 20:4 window. Down 30lbs in a year! It could have been more but I slacked every once in a while and fell off the wagon for a few months.


I do OMAD almost every day and don’t do keto. Still made progress but it’s been very slow, not because of the non-keto but more because of the volume of food and how little I have left to lose.

Keto-friendly foods do make me feel better (the more processed and/or sugary something is, the hungrier and more bloated I am later), but that wouldn’t be sustainable forever for me.


I’m doing that now after 6 months of keto. I ate an entire medium pizza and a cannoli last night for dinner and since that’s my only meal that I ate in my one hour time slot, I feel perfectly fine and not bloated at all.

I’ve been slowing eating more carbs but not easing up on my strict OMAD and I’m still losing a lot of weight.


IF only. We eat less carbs now than a year ago but that also has to do with the fact that we only eat 1 meal a day so…

Weight loss is going okay. Not as good as I’d like, but the number is going mostly down. I walk 30min to 1 he everyday. I do resistance bands 5 days a week.

I’m just not willing to give up carbs forever and I’ve had friends who gave up carbs and dropped weight, but gained a bunch back when they re-introduced carbs or even just had a cheat day.


I’m doing mostly OMAD with a couple of 20:4 days and 48hr fasts thrown in. I’ve been vegetarian for 5 years so I figured Keto would be too restrictive. I started in May of this year (so about 8 weeks) and I’m down 20 lbs, super happy with my progress so far


I do ADF and not keto. In fact, I try to include a small item of junk food every eating day so I don’t have an excuse to tableflip and break protocol.

It’s going pretty well. I stay around 100g of carbs per eating day, and getting over 100g protein helps get through the next day.

I see keto as a useful short-term tool, but to make a real lifestyle change it needs to be sustainable, which keto is not for me.


i’m not doing keto. tracking calories or macros is too much and i feel too bogged down. i’m doing 16:8, some days 18:6, and just try to each as many whole foods as is mentally or physically possible for me that day.


Me! Keto works but I hate it, I am a mother of two small kids and simply cannot function on bacon and eggs alone, need my carbs😂 I feel like IF is already challenge enough with all the food prep I have to do 5x daily😫 I would rather fast longer than not have carbs. I have carbs for lunch and trying to avoid them at dinner time and not eat past 7pm. Then I fast till 12-1pm next day, sometimes I push it to 2pm. I have been IF’ing since April and start to see results now. Before i just felt it. Mind you my weight does not change much, however my breast shrank and belly too. I did measurements with a tape and saw the difference - but not in weights. I exercise daily 30 min or 60 min - Bolywood dancing with Deepti, BodyFit by Amy and Yoga with Kassndra. Seems to work so far🙏


I do 18:6 with the occasional 24 hour thrown in (usually paired with a big meal out). I do low carb, I’ve arbitrarily chosen about 125g of carbs per day as it works well for me and continued weight loss while still being able to eat some bread, pasta or sweets.

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Categories: intermittent fasting keto omad lose weight extended fast sugar carbs fiber weight loss calories dinner 1 meal a day protocol macro lunch low carb