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why am I craving only sweets during my fast?

I am in my 90h out of 120h, everything is good except I always crave sweets(chocolate, pastry with chocolate, mostly everything with chocolate in it, but other sweets as well) in my fasts. I overcome it but it makes me mad. It is not hard when I socialize and stuff, but when I am alone, it crosses my mind. Never craved other unhealthy stuff, like fast food, chips, soda tho, so what is up with sweets?

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I think your brain makes you want the most sugary foods because glucose is the main fuel of our bodies, carbohydrates rise the blood glucose faster than other types of food, that’s why sometimes when you are really hungry and go to the mall, you buy a lot of sweets and sugary foods. let’s say it’s the easiest and fastest way for our brains to get that glucose in blood to keep running smoothly… anyway, those cravings should stop quick if you keep your carbohydrates and sugar intake at minimum in the refeeding days.


Sugar is addictive. Lab tests on rats showed that sugar is 7x more addictive than heroin. When I’m off the sugar for a week and do my groceries, I salivate like Pavlov’s dog in the sweets aisle. You probably been accustomed to sugar all your life so getting out of that habit will take time. Just ignore the urge, you don’t need that stuff, you good. All the best and good luck.


I seen a thing years ago that basically said when you crave something “not so great for you” it probably correlates to some kind of deficiency

What you’re craving; look up what it’s high in that you might be deficient in. Chocolate has some potassium, loads of iron and loads of magnesium for example

Start experimenting and seeing if maybe you’re low and your body is trying to let you know you need one (or some) of those things. If so, when you get it/them back up you might notice the cravings lessen by a lot

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