| | Water Fasting

why am i gaining weight i am doing 30 hour fast i did everything by the the book

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Because daily fluctuations are just that. You can manufacture quick loss and gain on a scale but it is mostly water and other changes. It is why a fighter can cut for weight so quickly and then gain it back. But those are just short term changes that will just reverse when you drink water or eat. There is very little value to weighing yourself daily. Even weekly won’t tell you much other then a data point to look at a longer trend line.


The body adjusts in different ways. I start 16:8 at Christmas, by end of January, i lostv16 lbs. Now I’m at a plateau & even gained a couple pounds :-P…yet, my energy level is up, clothes are looser & im sleeping better (except for the damned day light savings time!).

Keep going, tweak some things around (more H2O /throughout the day, the types of food you eat, different exercising, and even throwing in a 24hr fast)…you’ll find your groove & start seeing victories. Just remember that victories aren’t only scale related…and yes, there will be the dreaded plateaus & set backs. Key is not to throw in the towel. You got this!

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