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Why am I losing weight on 18:6 IF eating the same amount of calories I was eating without IF?

I gained about 20 lbs during the pandemic and from July-Aug of 2021, I’ve been working out 5x eating 1500 (weighing food, tracking on MyFitnessPal, 160g of protein a day) and didn’t lose a single pound. So I stopped. I got a lab done and I have no hormonal issues or thyroid issues but nothing was working.

I started working out again in November 2021 and have been consistent ever since, yet no progress.

So 2 weeks ago, I implemented 18:6 IF and have lost 6lbs since! I’m still eating 1500 and getting in my same macros and haven’t changed my eating habits, so why did this happen?

I’m not complaining, but I am wondering what’s going on.

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I believe it’s because you train your body to burn body fat when you’re hungry. That means you don’t have to absorb so much from your food. I don’t know what happens to nutrients in your blood you don’t absorb though. Perhaps your metabolism just rises a bit. Maybe you generate more body heat?

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