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Why are seed oils getting such a bad rap lately?

I’ve always been told/read that seed oils were fine and to just avoid trans fats. The other day I was reading a cookbook emphasizing oil free recipes.

Is this another craze like the coconut oil one or is this something to legitimately consider? And how does one not ruin their cookware?

Edit: also, is there such a thing as unprocessed oil?

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I’m not gonna wait for The Science to catch up with this one personally. I’m gonna assume they’re bad unless shown incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. They are a new food that’s extremely processed (heated, “chemically washed”, etc). Versus something like olive oil is made just by pressing olives. I’m prioritizing natural foods and ignoring the obviously terrible health advice coming from “experts” (e.g. frosted mini wheats are healthier than steak).


There has never been as much polyunsaturated fats consumed by humans as we are consuming now. Look At the rates of metabolic disease. Saturated fat consumption has gone down while PUFA consumption has skyrocketed. It’s likely to be one of the reasons for a lot of diseases that are running rampant right now. How can we trust a system that demonizes saturated fat? It’s so backwards. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.748847/full


Seed oils can break down into harmful chemicals like acrolein. The seed oils rich in linoleic acid consistently promote cancer in rodents. Human trials have mostly gotten null results, though most of them were not conducted for that purpose.

The people who defend seed oils usually point to observational evidence, so you have to decide what you find most convincing.


Unless you’re eating enormous amounts or lack omega 3 they’re absolutely fine, can even be beneficial. Tbh I’ve debated with people talking about how they’re bad, most of the studies cited are mechanistic or studies done in rats, neither really reflect outcome


Canola oil is probably the most processed edible oil on the planet. The process literally turns the oil rancid which is then treated to remove the rancid smell and taste. I’m not kidding.

And the rest of the seed oils are not that far behind in terms of processing.

This isn’t all that is wrong with seed oils, you’d have to do some searching online, which I did some time ago and concluded that it would be best to avoid them.

And since it is easy to avoid them and substitute with much much better and flavorful culinary oils like butter, olive oil, tallow and lard, that’s the way I chose to go.

And in the end, I know through millions of years of evolution and mankind using animal fats in their diets, and seed oils being an entirely new product in the last century, I’d rather go with the tried and true.




There’s a story that they have been used to ‘lubricate’ machines.. and food companies have found a way to add them to foods and they are contributing to heart disease and adiposity.

Other things like they are ultra processed, and contain alot of omega 6 (given the amount we consume thanks to them it’s contributing to heart disease). Look at essentially any packaged/processed food and you’ll find some kind of vegetable (seed) oil in it.

People will say ‘moderation’ but I don’t believe there is an exact reccomended amount. There are numerous vidoes on youtube regarding this topic.


“Cooked vegetable oil worsened inflammation in the colon, enhanced tumor growth, promoted gut leakage, and caused harmful bacterial products to leak into the bloodstream in mice.”


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