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Why can't we fast or keep a diet. A must watch for anyone that struggles with this!

This is one of the most life changing video, for many people, including me. It’s a lecture from Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, that explains exactly how our brain functions, how the body functions and why we have addictions, cravings and why we give up to it. Extraordinary informative and despite being 1 hour and a half long, please watch it instead of a Netflix movie, whenever you have time. He explains very well, it’s hard to not like the guy, haha.

Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/kN83jppeI7Q

(EDIT) Here’s the short 16 minutes version, altough I highly suggest to watch the whole 1 hour video, because it really feels like you attended a high value nutrition class for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcS5Z9jHZ0Q

I owe so much to this doctor, he really knows his thing and I learned so much about nutrition trough his videos… he has tons, shorter than this one, feel free to look trough, it’s going to solve many questions, including how to read nutritional info tags on products, what’s good and bad to eat at certain times in the day (and WHY. He explains WHY and it’s really important).

Anyway, I hope it helps you too!!


PS: I’ve spread this trough all the weight loss subreddits, so if you see this more times, you know why, lol. I feel everyone deserves to see this.

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Nice, he mentioned the danger of omega 6 oils. All would be quite well if they were not in our diet, as they facilitate the process that leads to fatty liver. (The liver can handle a high carb diet fine, as long as omega 6 is not present.)

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