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Why Do People Still Think Red Meat Is Bad For You?

Research claiming red meat was bad for us was proven to be cherry picked and it doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

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Many studies indicate it raises LDL which it does but it also raises HDL and grain fed fatty red meat is bad for you and low in omega 3 to omega 6 ratios. Much of red meat is also usually associated with high sodium from seasonings for things like steak burgers and hotdogs. Eating proper red meat is nutrient rich but it does somewhat raise LDL. Evolutionary wise we needed the nutrients even if it wasn’t from the best source. Also our ancestors didn’t get their wild pig or deer meat regularly, it wasn’t meant to be eaten for every meal for them.


Any exact meal plan of what our human ancestors ate is not known. Don’t believe anyone telling you they know what it was. The only thing for certain was that there was a wide variety of human diets. There was red meat, shellfish, fish, fruits, green vegetables, root vegetables, berries, wild grains, birds, honey, and wild beans. Christina Warriner has a TED talk about this

Evolution selects for performance up until reproductive age. It would be bad to assume that performance = longevity. If we were to travel back in time and give our ancestors steroids, they would perform better and be more likely to stay alive and reproduce, however, they would die faster too. This is just one example of how something could be prioritized by evolution while being bad for long term health.

And don’t believe cave paintings. In fact, the cave paintings make me seem to suggest to me that meat was NOT an everyday occurrence. Do you have pictures up on your wall of something that is very mundane and commonplace in your life?


There is 50 year studies with 100000s of participants and meta studies and none of it was “cherry picked”.

I would probably still eat red organic meat once a month or so, but eating it daily and then not even organic.. I suppose you never watched one of the documentaries on how this meat is made? This is so barbaric I cannot see how this could be healthy. THen along with all the antibiotics problems we already got, hormones used and bad diets for the animals that lowers their omega 3 and increases imflammation markers…


Don’t look at things from a evolutionary standpoint too much.

We have changed our environment extensively.

Just look at the example of adaptive metabolism. Why don’t we burn thousands of more calories so we don’t become overweight or obese? Given our environment we have right now, it would be better to have a faster metabolism.

But, if we go back just a few centuries, having a slower metabolism meant you were more likely to survive as food was almost impossible to come by for most.

Also, our ancestors had to eat anything to survive, we also don’t evolve to adapt to everything. Otherwise, we would have just adapted to the point we wouldn’t need sleep or other necessary parts of life.

We can’t adapt to everything (in a evolutionary sense)


The studies I have seen so far against red meat use participants who eat junk processed meat and other processed foods. For example, participants who eat McDonald’s burgers frequently and of course those processed burgers come with bread, french fries fried in seed oils, large sugary drinks, ketchup,…and they also eat other processed and junk food throughout the day, week,…

Before you trust a study, you gotta look at the methodology and see if it makes sense. And you also gotta look at who’s funding the study and what’s their agenda.


Sorry mate. RIP your karma. I’ve already been temporarily been banned for the slightest suggestion that meat is good for you.

You know, basic biology dictating we can’t live without protein.

This subreddit is just a front for vegan activism and not real nutrition


Because it is! Red meat we consume today is not same as 70 years ago. FactoryFarms Animal torture hormone and antibiotic injection what they feed The cows. Killing cows much younger. And all the people that handle it on way to market just ewww



That study that just came out is really the deathnail for that crowd, but it does show that there’s some correlation there, but the evidence is weak. But yeah it pretty much turns a lot of the narratives on its head. Red Meat is still something i personally will eat very sparsely due to me not digesting very well, but that study was really well done.


I know, it really makes no sense. The only scientist to ever study this question was Ancel Keys, and then every other scientist stopped studying the question. Why would they study it, it’s not their job to ask questions. Then a random journalist named Nina Teicholz who was NOT paid by the beef industry found a huge scientific breakthrough and published it in her book The Big Fat Surprise.(Review Here)

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