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Why do you fast?

To lose weight? Health benefits? Which ones? Something specific?

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It started out with weight loss and health benefits. Now I fast to not obsess over food all the time.

Whenever I fast, I only think about food when I’m within an hour from my eating window. Before this I was constantly asking myself ‘can i eat this’ ‘how many kcal are in this’ ‘what does eating this mean for my weight’ and all of the toxic thought patterns that come with that.

Now I just know I don’t eat in a certain timeframe and I therefore don’t even think about food during that timeframe.


Chronically ill. Just using another tool to hopefully help me improve my quality of life/help me heal. There are lots of immediate benefits that keep me doing keto, OMAD, and \~5 day extended fasts but the hope is my body heals itself


I heard about fasting when I was trying to improve my fitness. I was exercising and had switched to healthier foods, but weight wasn’t budging. Also, the idea that I can buy less food and save money while losing weight was alluring. I have some chronic conditions, so when I learned about autophagy it sealed the deal.


Many reasons. Weight loss, vanity and the compliments are awesome, the health gets better instantly, more energy and the list goes on.

and now for one reason, that will make me seem like a Monster: I love to overeat and really enjoy unhealthy foods.

So having a weight loss regime that cures some of the downsides of that is almost like a cheat code for me.

I lost 30 kilos in 3 months and hell, if I end my fast due to a drunken night with the boys, I will most likely also have 6 cheeseburgers at the end of that night.I find the joy in doing just that and also more motivation in the consequent setback. Beeing aware that there is a price I can pay to not feel bad about a choice like that is heaven for me.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted, but even though I have done fasts for weight loss, I’ve mostly done fasts for spiritual breakthroughs. I have fasted for guidance and direction. I have fasted to remove distractions and get clarification on issues. I have fasted to overcome oppressive thoughts and spiritual attacks. And I have fasted to get closer to God and hear better from Him (I am a Born-Again Christian).

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