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Why does can no one seem to agree on what nutrition truly is for humans?

I cannot seem to find anything definitive on what a human diet should be. Everyone has their own ideas from grain free to meat free. lately I’ve been experimenting with intermittent fasting and you have groups say one meal a day is best, others show studies lauding 16/8 then I see a study showing those who skip breakfast have higher instances of cardiovascular disease while at the same time 16/8 and omad claiming THEY decrease cardiovascular disease. Does anyone know how to go about wading through the bullshit? I just want to eat nutritiously, feel good and live to see grandkids grow up one day

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I think that the impossibility of there being a definitive is what makes the human body so unique. Genetics, environment, so many variables. It’s amazing watching the methodology of it all, feel like life would be boring if there was a definitive 1 size fits all.


Go with the stuff most of the smart people agree on:

-chemicals and processed foods are bad ✔️ -drink adequate amounts of water ✔️ -whole foods, whole grains, fruits & vegetables, nuts, fish, eggs, brown rice ✔️ -get adequate protein for your goals ✔️

Organic, wild caught, that’s next level, if you can afford to buy healthier versions of food, grown with less chemicals or eat animals that were fed better ingredient’s it’s obviously better but $, availability and circumstance. And learn to read food labels many chemicals and crap added to food, try to stay away from the chemicals and poisons hidden in the junk food. Like crackers as an example there is good decent crackers to eat/snack on and there is crackers with all chemicals, learn to identify the difference, learn to look for limited ingredients and all ones that you know what they are. And trust your gut figuratively and literally lol ;) ✌️& ❤️

Exercise and food is good for heart health, fasting is something different. Most beneficial thing for heart is exercise (even just walking at a decent pace) and limited junk intake, and maybe not smoking cigarettes everyday lol (no judgement to anyone) but if you smoke fasting probably won’t save your heart lol


Because no one truly knows. Ideally, eating as close to what we evolved to eat would probably be best. Problem, different groups of people evolved eating different things. Another issue, we don’t know if what they started eating was better than their predecessors. One more issue, we don’t know exactly what they ate.


You seem confused. Unfortunately social media is a poor basis for learning.

There is a great deal of information available.

There are some controversial topics but much more is broadly accepted science.

Read and use the accepted science first.


Good sources of info:


Unfortunately there’s also a lot of money to be made since we all eat and controversy sells.

There’s also many confused people who have thrown in the towel.

Good luck. Eat more plants :-)


Except for identical twins, each human being has unique biochemistry resulting in quite diverse nutritional needs. Shakespeare was correct when he wrote “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” For example, some of us are genetically suited for a vegetable-based diet and others are not.


Here’s a reference from the usda, it was covered in one of my nutrition classes and is a government site so id assume its a credible source.



It’s funny because I’ve been traveling the world for over a year now and that’s never a question in people’s minds. They eat what’s been in their history, what’s locally grown and accessible. Being from the US I too have questioned it and have tried every diet under the sun. Now I’m big on reading up on the Blue Zones of the world where people live the longest. The similarities in their diets are actually lots of local produce, beans of all kinds, meat occasionally, and believe it or not, starches. I actually tried the Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall and my body functioned better than it ever had. I’m not a vegan or vegetarian, but there are many days that I do give up meat and eat more of the beans, greens, and potatoes or sweet potatoes. You just have to listen to your body and eat everything in moderation.

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