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Why does everyone think high fructose corn syrup, or just fructose, is bad?

I’ve heard this from family members who think high fructose corn syrup, or fructose in generally is “bad sugar”.


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Why is alcohol bad? It messes up the liver. So does poison, albeit faster. We aren’t designed for synthetic sugars. We need fiber to slow down absorption of glucose or other sugars into our bloodstreams, high fructose becomes metabolized by your liver, and you risk overloading your liver.


It is very bad- here’s a link to a expanation from the Cleveland Clinic https://health.clevelandclinic.org/avoid-the-hidden-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup-video/#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20high%20fructose,Hyman.


Why do you think it’s not bad for you?

Glucose is used by cells as an energy source. Fructose is metabolized by the liver where it turns into fat…Visceral Fat…

It causes insulin resistance, liver (fatty liver) disorder and diabetes,




Apart from, yes, it being a kind of concentrated sugar… I think the bigger issue is how ubiquitous it is and, thus, how much of it and how often it gets consumed just by default. Because of that, the vast numbers of the national population it impacts is staggering. As I’m sure is no surprise to anyone, it especially impacts the lowest and mid-level income individuals and families. The less something costs, the higher the chances HFCS will be a predominant ingredient, on virtually every aisle of your local grocer. It’s almost impossible to practice moderation when it’s in virtually every packaged food and/or beverage. To avoid it and eat far more healthily costs a lot more money than many households are able to budget for. Thus, HFCS = bad.


As others have said, it strictly has to do with the liver. It goes straight to the liver to be processed much like alcohol would but not as severe of course. Since it has no fiber attached, it makes it harder for the liver to metabolize it instantly which stressed it out and leaves you with fatty liver.

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