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Why does "fat you eat is the fat you wear" get validity?


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No validity. Excess Energy stored is fat, whether it’s carbs or even protein. Although it’s harder on protein because of high satiety. Fat is more calorie dense (more calorie per gram) and people can easily get carried away with fat in deep fried cooking or ultra processed foods


Fat is stored as fat way easier than protein and carbs. It is still a calories surplus’s thing tho. But: excess calories of fat 100% become fat in your body. Exessive calories of carbs become fat way harder, before becoming fat they increase the maximum content of carbs in your muscle in a small way, and in a bigger way they simply “burn” trying to converting into fat. What remain become fat, but it is way less than the 100% of fat.


I think it’s been debunked, alot of people here like to refer to an article/study about the sugar industry paying off scientists to blame fat gain on fat (macronutrient).

I’m not a nutritionist, and I’m probably biased because I enjoy doing Keto and sometimes Carnivore and have seen nothing but amazing results, so fat consumption in my personal anecdote and from the other anecdotes I’ve seen point to a trend that fat isn’t the culprit it’s obviously calories. To add, my own personal opinion suggests that Carbohydrates are amazing for athletic function, but we easily overconsume them if eaten too much will contribute to inflammation moreso than protein and fat.

To answer your question, it’s probably because it’s ingrained in our culture. Like the “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” bullshit.

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