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Why does pork get such a bad wrap?

Pork is often one of the last options people pick when choosing between meats. What do you think is the reason (apart from religious beliefs). It’s often one of the cheapest options and there are many lean cuts available.

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Loved the pun. Bad wrap.

The answer is religious beliefs, which lead to a culture of not eating pork. In china where they don’t carry the same religious culture, pork is one of the most consumed meat.


IMO: Because pigs have these long goofy eyelashes and creepy human looking eyes, and intelligent brains. Shit is weird yo. They are basically dogs that tastes like human flesh. Again just my opinion. Love bacon.


They’re deemed dirty meat because of what they eat. Back in the day, they’d eat whatever, including humans, poop and other dead animals.Today Pigs are feds mixed grains/corns filled with pesticides and fillers plus injected with antibiotics. They’re penned so tightly for human consumption that they probably still eat poop. Purchase grass fed meats when affordable.


As you said, many religious groups (and various ethnic/cultural groups) do not eat pork. In addition to that, people tend to hear “pork” and they tend to think bacon, sausage, hot dogs, or fair food (“fried pork on a stick” trope)

I have family members who were pretty religious at one point, some of them do see pork as “dirty” but can’t really give much of a reason.

Also this is more anecdotal, but some pork products are made in a way that can be really not great for migraine sufferers, something to do with the way ham is cured, also hot dogs can be an issue. These migraines after eating certain types of pork are called hot dog headaches, but this only applies to certain people (myself included)

You are right, there are lean cuts of pork that are inexpensive compared to say, chicken breast. Pork can be a good source of protein but we tend to look at it as processed and fatty


Not being ruminants the fat in pork is reflective of the fat in their diet. This used to be ok when they were fed veggie scraps and whey from cheese making. But now that they are soy and grain fed the quality of the pork fat has deteriorated




TL;DR - Getting to your answer. Pigs carry many of the same diseases as humans. Pigs because of diet and lifestyle can also carry parasites. Often times they if not prepared correctly can pass from animal to human by being uncooked or not being prepared properly for consumption.

Can Contain Parasites
Eating undercooked or raw pork can result in parasitic infections. Taenia solium, or pork tapeworm, is an intestinal parasite. Most of the time it’s harmless, but it can occasionally cause a disease called cysticercosis, which leads to epilepsy.

Eating raw or undercooked pork can also result in trichinosis, an infection of parasitic roundworms called Trichinella. While trichinosis symptoms are usually mild, they can become serious — even fatal — especially in older adults.

To avoid parasitic infection, always cook pork thoroughly. Check the temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure the meat has become hot enough to kill parasites and bacteria before serving.


TL;DR I’m summarizing here. Meat is traditionally seen as a less healthy option especially with when looking at the health risks known in the modern day because meat comes from animals and animals can get diseases. By eating the meat of diseased animals “we” humans can get sick. So long story short is meat is bad because people can get sick from the same diseases as the animals they consume.

(not science explanation)

People and pigs can carry many of the same virus’ and bacteria as people. Traditionally this is why in religion some meat products are “forbidden”. For example there are parts of the animal that are cleaner than others. The intestines carry way more bacteria than the shoulder.

Meat Health Risks-

Bacteria in meat: Free-range animals have the potential to carry more disease, particularly bacterial infections. Pay attention to where your meat is coming from.
Mad cow disease (BSE) and beef: The chances of contracting BSE are highly unlikely, as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires that all brain and spinal cord materials be removed from cattle considered high-risk. These cow products don’t enter the U.S. food supply.
Antibiotics and pork: The excessive use of antibiotics in pigs in factory farms is said to be a contributing factor to the growth of “superbugs” in humans, which are resistant to other antibiotics. Researchers have discovered antibiotic-resistant bacteria in hog farms in the United States and China.Trusted Source
Salmonella and chicken: Salmonella is bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Typically, handling raw chicken incorrectly is where the risk of salmonella comes from. Cooking and maintaining good food hygiene can help lower your risk.


Other sources:

USDA FoodData Database: “Search Results - pork, ground”

NIH Office of Dietary Supplements: “Thiamine”

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Role of dietary protein in the sarcopenia of aging”

Amino Acids: “Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine concentrations and exercise performance.”

Journal of Applied Physiology: “beta-Alanine supplementation augments muscle carnosine content and attenuates fatigue during repeated isokinetic contraction bouts in trained sprinters”

Amino Acids: “Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine concentrations and exercise performance”

Amino Acids: “Influence of beta-alanine supplementation on skeletal muscle carnosine concentrations and high intensity cycling capacity”

International Journal of Endocrinology: “Selenium and Thyroid Disease: From Pathophysiology to Treatment”

Clinical Microbiology and Infection: “Pork as a source of human parasitic infection”

Emerging Infectious Diseases: “Worldwide occurrence and impact of human trichinellosis, 1986-2009”


Name the movie

“Because a pigs a filthy animalWhat about a dog. A dogs a filthy animalYeah, but a dog has personalityWhat if a pig had personalityWell, it would have to be one mother fckin charming pig”


I think that you have to cook it to the highest temperature because of disease. There’s also the connotation that pork is “dirty” because pigs are often associated with being dirty. That’s what I think anyway. I love buying pork especially lately because it’s so much cheaper and I can only eat so much chicken.

ETA: one of the highest temperatures while cooking meat. I’m always worried it isn’t cooked enough.


I’ve read that pigs are more intelligent than dogs. So if I wouldn’t eat a dog, why would I eat a pig. Also there’s the environmental impact and impact on local communities where ever they’re being raised and processed (pig processing is extremely bad smelling). Pigs will eat literally anything and I’ve read that if they eat some nasty materials, that will end up in their blood and ultimately their meat even in just minute amounts, including micro plastics. I need to fact check that though.

But honestly, pork makes my tummy hurt so I avoid it.


I think it tastes bad unless it’s in bacon form or some other unhealthy processed form. Also in my mind I see it as fatty and the unhealthiest meat, as well as being carcinogenic. But that’s just how I see it and I know it might be wrong.

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