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Why I started gaining body fat?

(F/25/5’8”) - [SW: 181 CW: 174 GW: 143]
Hello, everyone!
I’ve been doing 16:8 + CICO for 11 days and think I have finally find the diet that fits me! The first days were great and my body fat went from 38% to 36,6% in my best day.

But I had a little problem.
So, acording to my Mi Balance Scale 2 on the June 30th I was 171,74lbs with 36.6% of body fat. Still pretty unhealthy, but I was really happy I was progressing and did everything right that day: I ate in my calories deficit, in my schedule (I only eat between noon and 8 pm) and lost more than 700kcal in my cross training class. But in the other day…
173 lbs
38,4% body fat

That made me really sad because I was losing weight so fast and had no apparent reason for such a gain in one day! But I kept trying: on July first (yesterday) I went to the gym again and, because of my work and poor time management, I stoped eating even earlier and less calories. Today morning:
174 lbs
The same 38,4% body fat

And now I’m frustraded… I don’t want to give up because I can make it a life style, but I can’t find a reason for that fat gain! I always weight myself in the morning, after going to the bathroom, before drinking my first glass of water, no clothes on. I’m also a little lost about my period because I’ve had an IUD for 3 years already.

Can someone tell me what’s happening? How do I go back in track?

(I’m Brazilian, so I’m really sorry for any English mistakes, feel also free to tell me them so I can improve).

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I have similar scale that weighs my body fat, water, bone mass, muscle mass, etc. but it isn’t always 100% accurate. Do you menstruate? If you are currently on your period or getting close to having it then the scale will be wrong and it’s best to check your weight a week after your period.


Body fat measurements from scales are not very accurate. Instead, I recommend you take measurements of your body in key areas (hips/butt, waist, thighs, chest, arms) and track those over weeks/months. Doing that, I’ve lost 5 inches on my hips/butt and 2-3 inches everywhere else so far which is major for me. Others have lost many more inches.

I found longer fasting times worked better for me than 16:8. Good luck finding something that works for you!


Those scales are not even close to ideal when estimating body fat. I recommend using your weight and measurements and plugging it into a calculator to get a better estimate. My scale body fat fluctuates a lot but over the past couple months that has been a really steady way to track my body fat. https://www.calculator.net/body-fat-calculator.html

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