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Why is it generally recommended to eat no more than 4 oz of beef liver per week?

Can you actually get vitamin toxicity consuming too much?

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Yes you can. It is very high in vitamin A and that can poison you.

I guess polar bear liver is one of the best tasting thing on earth but you can’t eat more than a sliver of it without dying from vitamin A poisoning. There are a bunch of stories of whole groups of people dying from eating too much of it after a hunt.


Yes you absolutely can. The liver is involved in metabolism of a wide number of nutrients and retains high amounts of them. yes it is nutrient dense but it is easy to get toxicity of fat soluble vitamins (those which you can not pee our like B vitamins/water soluble vitamins) including vitamin A


Yes, typically the recommendation is in regards to Vitamin A, 4 oz has all you would need in a week. Unlike water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins like A tend to accumulate in the body so a waiting period would allow most people’s Vitamin A levels to stay in a safe range.


yes, you can, but the figures are greatly exaggerated and people worry too much about what’s almost a myth. recorded cases of these excesses attributed to diet are quite infrequent (so much that they often lead to case report studies) and even then they are only of real concerns when the liver is from a carnivorous animal (such as infamous polar bears or fish as tuna; I imagine you’re mainly concerned about vitamin A). it takes a lot of effort to suffer hypervitamonisys symptoms from eating beef liver

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