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Why is it hard to sleep?

Allergic to many things. Fasting for gut health and repair. And other issues. Like Sibo. I can’t sleep even when I do 16:8. I can’t tolerate melatonin or sleeping pills. Benedryk doesn’t help. Any ideas why? Ican’t sleep when fasting and does it get better over time? I eat a keto carnivore diet. Due to mcas and many allergies. Thanks. Haven’t slept more than 4 hours a night in 2 weeks. It’s bad.

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Fasting can bump up cortisol levels, and your body may be especially prone to that for whatever reason (genetics, other life stress, other health issues, etc.). Some people sleep better when they eat right before bed so they are full; some sleep better on an empty stomach. Whichever way you’re doing it now, try shifting your eating window to try it the opposite way.

It’s very likely that it will get better as your body adjusts to IF. If you do any exercise, try bumping that up a bit, to tire yourself out. If you don’t exercise, try starting with something gentle, like walking, beginner hatha yoga, or some beginner bodyweight exercises.


Not directly in answer but ………. Can we assume the following, you avoid small screen use an hour before bed, finish eating at least two hours before you want to sleep, a bedroom with minimal light sources and which is quiet, a set regular bedtime. All these are small things but can work to undermine you getting a good nights sleep…….. good luck ;)

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Categories: sleep keto cortisol stress stomach eating window