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Why is junk food even bad

Most junk food has low saturated fat and high heart healthy pufas, I know it causes weight gain but if able to control for that is it that bad And people say junk food has low nutrition that’s true but if you ate potato chips or meat you get a lot of nutrients

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Junk food is designed to get people to eat as much of it as possible before you get “full”, and then to get hungry as soon as possible after you stop eating.

This is their business model for one simple reason; it maximizes profits.

The best way to provide a lot of calories fast without filling you up for long is to provide empty calories (usually in the form of highly processed carbs like sugars and starch).

In general the more processing a food goes through the more nutrients are stripped away. Also, it makes these foods digest extremely rapidly, which spikes your blood sugar levels rapidly, causing your body to produce massive amounts of insulin to get that glucose out of your blood and into your cells.

Do this too much and you risk developing some serious metabolic diseases.

If you think about it, if you grab junk food when you’re hungry, you can go through an entire package pretty easily. You might feel satisfied for a moment or two until your blood sugar crashes back down and you don’t feel so great. Within a short time your hungry again and looking for more snacks.

This is optimal for the junk food industry.


The problem is that these junk foods don’t have enough, if any, nutrients to fit your macros and micros. Let’s say they do have nutrients. The amount you’d have to eat just to get enough would mean you’d be in a huge caloric surplus and become obese in no time. Plus most are filled with high sugar or saturated fat which is not good

Moderation is key. But if you only eat a little (or moderate) amounts of junk food, you most likely wouldn’t get enough nutrients that you’re body needs to function. Hence, why they’re bad for you. The whole point of eating is to find finds that give you the best bang for your buck in terms of macros, micros and satiety. Not to eat empty calories


>Why is junk food even bad

  1. They are full of sugar
  2. They are full of highly processed carbs (like flour)
  3. They are full of seed oils
  4. Fiber is usually removed, which increases absorption speed, aka blood glucose spikes more when eating


The fats are oxidised, the food itself usually low quality (battery farmed meat that is also filled with grains to save money on meat, shit grains, tomatoes of debated quality, etc), additives and preservatives, deep frying has its issues, etc, etc.

Controversial fact: steak and potatoes is a healthy meal nothing junk I’m that meal. You’d get a vast majority of your nutrients in that meal.

Saturated fat? Kinda meaningless unless you’re already eating a bad diet.

Nutrition quality >>>> Nutrition content

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