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why is this fast so much harder than before?

I’m trying to figure out why my latest fast is so different and how to fix it.

I got into water fasting late last year and I’ve done several prolonged water fasts. My first was 8 days. Then a week after that I did a 10 day stretch. Then another 8.

For every fast I’ve done I stop getting hungry about 2-3 days in other than the occasional mild hunger sensation for a few min. It’s actually pretty easy once you make it past those first couple days. In fact I’ve only broken fasts because of some external/social thing like an important work dinner or Thanksgiving with family etc.

I started another fast and I don’t know why but this time it was completely different. I’m hungry constantly. I’m 6 days in and I’m still soo hungry all the time. I’m also losing weight way faster than my other fasts. Usually I lose about a pound per day once the fast gets going. This time I’m losing more than 2 lbs per day.

I don’t think I’m doing anything differently. Same electrolyte mix. Same water consumption. Same level of activity (pretty low). And nothing else about my life is different.

Fasting was great back when I didn’t get hungry and I would basically lose a pound a day like magic. But right now it’s just uncomfortable and requires extreme willpower. The extra pound lost per day is not worth being hungry all the time.

My doctor says fasting is just like that - that if you don’t eat you get hungry. Gee, thanks doc.

Any ideas? Is this happening for anyone else? How do I go back to the easy mode where I lose a pound a day and basically never get hungry?

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Is there a difference in what you were eating before previous fasts as opposed to now? Were you under more stress at the beginning of this fast? Those 2 things can affect your hunger levels to my understanding.

I was strict keto for quite some time. Every time I would fast (durations of 3, 5 and 7 days), I had zero issues and all hunger subsided by day 2. I was very successful, but fell off the wagon and gained a good deal of weight back.

I just tried a 5 day fast and thought I was going to die. I was starving, got so weak all I could do is stay in bed by hour 60, and broke it at hour 78 because I had heart palpatations and no amount of electrolytes helped anything. I did lose 14lbs, which is more than I’ve ever shed in 3 days. However, I started my fast after eating straight junk food and just getting over the flu. I’m not saying any of this applies to you. You may be fasting for strictly therapeutic reasons. I’m just saying that there was a distinct difference in the condition my body was in before I started my fast, and it showed.

Good luck, I wish you continued success, and I hope that hunger gets under control!


Hi maybe there was not enough time between the fasts? Or dehydrated? I am at day five and this time the hunger does not go away. I guess there are times like this where some factors are not right.If you don’t mind you could switch to eating a little amount and see of it eases the hunger. I did that today and I feel better. I know it’s technically not water fasting anymore but it works for me.And we can always try another time when we’re well fed and tanked new energy. ( give it a month or two)

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