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Why on earth would you eat breakfast?

I’m on vacation with my family and each morning I wake up, stretch and have black coffee. They make toast and eggs and bacon. I keep thinking, “why would they eat this early?!” Don’t get me wrong I love eggs and bacon but I eat them after 12pm. Haha.

Edit: I’m joking.

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I eat breakfast everyday and still stick to an IF schedule. I’ve always been a breakfast person and find I’m the hungriest earlier in the day as opposed to later. IF affects my appetite to where by about 3-4pm I no longer have any desire to eat, and my eating window is usually from about 9am-4pm (but I generally consume most of my calories by about 1pm).

I still cook a full dinner every night for my kids, but am never really in the mood to eat it myself. I usually just save my portion to eat for lunch the next day. I may be in the minority of IFers, but it works for me!


If you don’t have a manual labor job you have no need for breakfast. When I worked construction I ate a huge breakfast. I continued this even when I got an office job. Consequently I got fat. Now I see breakfast as a hassle. I basically do nothing in the morning to prep food. My coffee is even cold brew so it’s ready I just pour it.


Girl, you got that right. Nothing more revolting to me now than the thought of cramming my stomach full of food in the morning. Watching people pack away breakfast is disgusting to me.

A big salute to you for not caving in and joining them, thinking that you have to “fit in.”


I remember watching this werner herzog documentary about people living in the siberian wilderness and one of the guys said he doesn’t feed his dogs early in the morning because it makes them sluggish. Same with people thinking breakfast gives them ‘energy’ for the day, when it really keeps the digestive system active and makes you tired.


One of the reasons i started doing IF was because my stomach hated the idea of breakfast before 10am. I spent years trying to make myself eat first thing because it’s been drilled into our brains that breakfast is important for weight loss. So much happier now that I let that go! I still eat breakfast foods just usually at noon.


We’ve all been fooled since childhood. Without breakfast how else are you going to get your “Food Pyramid” 4 servings/100g of daily protein, 3 servings of veggies, 3 of fruit, 2-3 of dairy, fiber, sodium, vitamin….

We’ve been indoctrinated to be consumers, breakfast is part of the consumption ESPECIALLY seeing how eating a big breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day and you’ll consume even more.


Same! I don’t even get hungry until after 12! I cannot imagine eating first thing in the morning especially as my shifts start at 7:15! Gah! Don’t get me wrong though - love breakfast food but agree! It’s a lot!


dinner is obviously best for social meals, but for cutting one meal out for fasting that would be my choice. I do a keto shake with green veggies for breakfast and it always makes me feel amazing to start my day (I also work out at lunch so I like having some fuel for that). if I did OMAD I would probably eat one meal around 10am


Because of the habit or to avoid hunger cramps before midday. Breakfast is not there to fill you up or be an actual meal (most of the time, unless it’s eaten later on weekends for ex). It’s mostly eating something sweet for many people. Most people also don’t eat a lot for breakfast, just a toast or some cornflakes. When I didn’t eat breakfast before 7:30 classes, as a kid or student, the hunger was sometimes pretty unbearable in the morning (as in I couldn’t focus on anything else) because my brain was working constantly. When I don’t have classes I feel much less the need to eat breakfast.

IF is also mostly done by people who have the privilege of keeping a healthy diet or experimenting with food. What average person eats bacon and eggs after midday? Sounds to me like that person would have the freedom to eat whenever they want which isn’t the case for everyone.



I love breakfast…well eggs specifically but fortunately for me I usually don’t eat breakfast on weekdays (only coffee) and a late breakfast on the weekends.

I started IF without even knowing I was IF. I had a bad habit of snacking (a lot) in the evening (10-11pm) but I decided a week and half ago that I needed to make a change. So I cut out my evening snacking and reduced my carb in take for lunch and dinner. I was down 6.2 lbs in my first week….which I find weird…seems too high..but whatever. We’ll see what Sunday morning brings. ;-)

Now that I know about IF, I’ve down loaded an app and tracking everything.

M51 H5’6” SW 181 CW 175 GW 150


I break my fast usually around 8:30 am.

But I also work over night from 11:30 pm to 7:30 am…. So it works out lol

I never liked eating at work or much before work so I just finally set it in stone

I’ve lost 51 pounds since Labor Day

It just kind of gets weird on days off or vacations if I maintain the fasting the entire time, a lot of weekends I go off it. Because on a day off I don’t usually go to bed around noon, I stay up…. Then I get a little hungry at dinner time but just try to ignore it lol

My window is 6 am to noon, I’m about to go on a two week vacation though so I might shift my window a little


I love breakfast foods. They are delicious and most things are fairly cheap and easy to make. IF during my dayshifts is a struggle as everyone wants to make breakfast together so I move my eating window to accommodate.


I enjoy breakfast more than any other meal! Every time I start my day off with good and tasty food I feel like everything is possible.

It’s all the force of habit I suppose. I never unterstood how some people would eat a large and warm meal after 3 or 4 p.m. because that’s the last time I would consider eating more than a banana or plain yoghurt :D

Alas, I was brought up with the saying“Breakfast like a king. Lunch like a prince. Dinner like a beggar.”

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