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Will fasting for multiple days ruin my metabolism?

Hey there, I just started IF a couple months ago, and now I think I am ready to face fasting for 3 days, obviously while still keeping hydrated, however I am afraid that by not eating for 3 days every now and then my body will then get used to it and need less calories for maintenance, therefore putting back fat faster;
Could someone confirm or deny it, maybe even with studies / links that explain it well?
Thank you

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Being overweight ruins your metabolism….everything else, besides some kind of disorder, really is just a drop in the bucket….lose weight in whatever way works for you dont eat processed food…everything else you read about is noise and may keep you from doing what you need to do…


No, we evolved to fast. When we were hunter gatherers we ate intermittently. You might kill a buffalo but then have nothing to eat for 2-3 days after. Our bodies activate wonderful genes that make our cells younger and healthier when we fast. Just make sure to supplement with calorie free electrolytes during fasting.


No. Calorie restriction (semi starvation diets) will destroy your metabolism. There’s a huge difference between no food and little food in how your body reacts. Long story short, fasting is actually great for your metabolism and brain. Huge amounts of HGH and BDNF are released when fasting which are so good for you

For confirmation go look into Dr Jason Fung. He’s a Canadian Nephrologist who has a huge fasting clinic. He’s the real deal. He explains why fasting only has positive effects of your metabolism.


I’m on day 2 of a 3 day fast right now. Doing it for weight loss and the autophagy health benefits (which don’t kick in until 24hrs). Taking the Reset extended day electrolyte capsules really help. https://www.amazon.com/Extended-Electrolytes-Himalayan-B-Complex-Vitamins/dp/B08ZYWC5Q8/ref=sr_1_6?crid=3L2KE6HY0517X&keywords=reset+electrolytes&qid=1670771360&sprefix=Reset+%2Caps%2C729&sr=8-6

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