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Will fasting help my cholesterol or liver?

Hi! long time lurker but first time poster/hopefully soon a participating member. I got blood work done a few days ago and I’ve been looking at the results and my LDL levels are slightly higher than normal (my levels are 102mg and standard range is 0-99mg) aaand i know this is bc of how much animal fat i consume lol i just really love the fatty cuts of meat 😬

i’m a 26 y/o female, 5’3 roughly 135-140 lbs (fluctuates) so i’m wondering if fasting will help my cholesterol get back to healthy levels. Also, my bilirubin levels are slightly higher than average, indicating (from a google search) that my liver has some damage (almost certainly from binge drinking) so i wanna know if fasting will help that as well. Obviously i realize i need to switch to a healthier diet and exercise more but i want the healing effects of fasting.

TL;dr: will fasting help my cholesterol or speed up my liver healing after years of a lifestyle similar to that of a medieval tavern wench?

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I take garlic supplements for cholesterol it brought my blood pressure way down naturally. For my liver I drink Milk Thistle & Dandelion tea its delicious. I also fast 16:8 but I do that for overall health and weight


Yes. In addition, the amount of fat and cholesterol you eat has very little impact on your levels. Humans have been eating that way since we started wandering this planet. These have only become major problems over the last 40-50 years, or since the US was told to eat “low fat”.


Personal experience here. I have struggled with gallstones and liver damage. No gallbladder anymore, and I still get issues. Do you know what the standard treatment is for painful gallstones in the hospital? Fasting. It’s amazing and effective.

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