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Will fasting reduce anxiety and stress levels.

I have to eat every three hours when i am working, if i don’t then i get very confused/anxious and shaky. I believe that we evolved to eat far less often yet my metabolism feels like it was always this way. If i was to start fasting would my body adjust and how long does it take for the shakyness and confusion to go away when i start fasting.

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From early teens until my 30s i used to get shaky and angry if i needed to eat. in general i ate 4/5 times a day. i would get shaky when these times approached and if i was in a situation where i couldn’t get to food then i would panic. i notice that a lot of family members on one side have a similar issue. i had checks at the doctors but they couldn’t find anything. since i started fasting 1 year ago (23/1) this problem has gone away. i can’t be sure, but i think maybe the shakiness was caused by blood sugar levels going up and then crashing. i didn’t start fasting i order to solve this problem (i started because of lock down weight gain)- but it’s been a nice surprise.


I used to have similar symptoms. It was reactive hypoglycemia. My body would overreact to food, pump out too much insulin, and my blood sugar would crash 4 hours after eating, like clockwork. I got confused, anxious, shaky, dizzy, irritable.

It turns out that intermittent fasting actually fixed this problem for me. It seems counterintuitive, but it makes sense when I realize that the crashes were ultimately triggered by food. When I’m fasting, I’m obviously not eating. Therefore my body has nothing to overreact to, and no reason to pump out too much insulin. Therefore, no more blood sugar crashes.

I have no way of knowing whether your symptoms are also caused by reactive hypoglycemia. But if they are, you might actually feel better when you fast.


Have you spoken with a medical professional? I kkiw it doesn’t answer your question but physical symptoms like that if you haven’t eaten for 3 hours sounds like something I’d personally speak to my GP about, especially before I considered something like IF.


So yes I do have something similar, my bloods are also always fine. For me it’s not enough to do intermittent fasting, though that helps, I also have to eat moderately low carb, with no processed carbs (like milk chocolate, white bread, crisps, white pasta, white rice) etc to feel normal and not like a slave to eating. I hope you find a way of eating that works for you.


Listen dude, I was just like you my entire life. I ate every 2-3 hours, always hungry and eating right before bed. Waking up in the middle of the night eating.

Then I switched to keto AND IF. After a few days I had ZERO cravings and have since maintained it. I eat two HUGE meals a day, breakfast and dinner. On Wednesdays I do a 24 hour fast from Tuesday dinner until Wednesday dinner. You’ve never tasted food to good. Eat until you feel like you’re gonna explode and you won’t be hungry a few hours later.

If you wanna snack during the day, drink some plain green tea, mushroom tea, or cold brew coffee.

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