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Will I still get the health benefit of fruit if I swallow it like pills?

I absolutely hate fruit, the texture, the taste, the tartness and bitterness, the mushiness of bananas…eugh. If I chopped up fruit and just swallowed the pieces whole with water and no chewing, would I still receive the health benefits?

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Do you like fruit flavored anything? If you have enjoyed a smoothie from a chain store, you could look up how to duplicate it at home. TBH though, you’ll probably find a lot of the same nutrition if you eat a variety of veggies.


The body was given teeth for a reason. Digestion does not start in the stomach, it begins in the mouth with the chewing and grinding of food. The saliva in our mouth also aids in digestion.

When you swallow food whole you are skipping a vital step in the digestion process. Fruits are naturally high in fiber which are hard for the body to digest. When you chew your fruits, you are helping that process by grinding it down to a paste. Have you ever eaten a ton of corn and checked the toilet after dropping one? You may have seen a white corn kernel in there. That’s because of fiber.

Will you still get the health benefits of fruit if you swallow it like a pill? Sure. But in exchange for you not chewing, you are forcing your stomach to go into overdrive. This can cause an array of symptoms, the worst one is an increased possibility of choking, there’s also bloating, upset stomach, energy levels dropping while the body works twice as hard to digest, CONSTIPATION.


I’m not a fruit person either, but I do eat bell peppers, which are a fruit, and sweetcorn. Fruits have seeds, so tomato and cucumber are included. If you like salads, yay.

Focus on the ones you really like to get your vitamins. You don’t necessarily have to eat a wide variety of fruits to get good stuff.


I’m not a big fan of eating fruit as is. But I find smoothies palatable. That way you don’t have to deal with the texture, and it’s already in smaller bits. If you drink it slowly, then it’s better for your blood sugar. And you can add whatever you want to it to make it palatable.


What health benefits are you looking for?

If you’re after free radical elimination stuff you can just eat vegetables that contain flavonoids. Or take supps whichever.


Same - I really only like a handful of different fruit textures/tastes. But I love the shit out of a smoothie shake. And I go overboard adding in pretty much everything I can. My current fav has been super greens, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, banana, a scoop of chochloate protein powder, a couple table spoons of peanut butter, green yogurt, and almond milk. Tastes like a straight up chocolate shake.


Have you considered visiting a nutritional therapist? My sister hates fruit as well, in addition to any green vegetable. She’s 33 now and has been this way since she was a kid. Her nutritional therapist is helping a ton on her journey to trying and incorporating new foods in a mentally safe way.


I think you’ll get like 95 percent of the results, good and bad. Bitter flavors stimulate digestion, and amylase from spit begins the process of breaking down some starches.

I don’t eat much fruit as the carbs are crazy - just dark berries.

edit: thanks for the correction.


I think you’d end up drinking way too much water. An apple weighs in the region of 200 grammes, a banana about 100. If we agree that a piece of fruit weighs about 150 g on average and it is cut up into 3 gramme pieces to swallow then that’s 50 pieces per item of fruit, 5 items of fruit a day. Each sip of water is about 20 ml, multiply that by 250 you get 5 litres of water.

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