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Will you still lose weight on IF 16:8 even if you eat anything you want?

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Well, yes and no.Losing weight is mainly achieved by having a caloric deficit. Fasting for 16 hours helps in that as you dont have that much time left to eat and some people choose “better/healthier” food to eat in that window.

So, yeah. You can eat anything, but for losing weight you still need to eat less.


Basically no. Quantity and quality still matter. With IF you don’t have to cut anything, it’s not a diet, so there is no food restriction per se.

But if you want to see results, you should still have a healthy diet: vegetables, proteins, whole foods, limiting process food, refined sugar, alcohol… And avoid overeating


Lol no

IF is just an easier way to eat less calories for many. Should still sort out your TDEE and figure out daily what you can have/need to lose weight.

A friend did the “I’m only eating for 4hrs a day and can have what I want!” IF plan and quickly gained 10lbs


Eat anything? Yeah. But as others posted, you gotta be in some kind of deficit. And if you’re willing to do 16;8 IF, doesn’t make any sense to ruin that 16 hours fasted by eating a bunch of junk. Good luck i


I am on OMAD, but I eat whatever I want and have been losing weight doing so. BMR 2300, I eat 2500+ and have been losing weight steadily for months now. Last week I ate out 5 out of 7 days, almost all of it unhealthy, lost weight.

The science of weight loss is not well understood, whatever anyone tells you, which is why we’re still facing a relentless obesity epidemic despite everyone apparently ‘knowing’ that restricting their calories is the solution. My ex consumed 2300+ calories a day despite having a ‘dangerously low’ BMI and could never gain a pound. I went on gruelling restrictive diets with rigorous exercise and got fatter.

People don’t like admitting to not knowing, but weight loss is complicated. There are lots of pieces of information we have that don’t fit together all that well (for example, taking insulin makes you gain weight, chemotherapy makes you lose it, antihistamines tend to make you gain weight, as does abdominal surgery, prolonged dieting causes a rebound effect that persists…. for an undetermined but likely very long, if not perpetual, period of time), and the research hasn’t managed to synthesise everything yet. I don’t know if what works for me will work for everyone - I don’t even know why it works for me. It just does.

My best advice is try it with an eye to being healthier. If weight loss is your only goal it’s easy to get discouraged if it’s not immediately evident, or worse, too greatly encouraged if it is that you develop eating habits that have health repercussions that go beyond your weight.

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