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Wine lovers

Any wine lovers or vodka soda or ipa lovers out there fasting? If so, how do you make it work?

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I drink vodka with that 5cal/serving cranberry juice. I’m doing reduced calorie and only eat between 11a and 4p. I do not count my drink calories and will drink after my window. I’m down 13 pounds in three weeks. If I want wine, I count those calories and keep it in my window.

The IF and reduced calorie is enough of a lifestyle change for now. I need the vodka for sanity. 😁


Drink all you want within your eating window and calorie budget. My husband, kids and I go eat Mexican almost every Friday night. I LOVE a giant, 20 oz. margarita with my steak tacos. So, on Fridays I do OMAD to make it still work.

I don’t generally drink through the week, but I may have an occasional glass of red wine. I try to close my window by 7ish. So if I have that glass, then I make sure I’m still below my calories for the day and it’s before 7ish. Otherwise, I won’t have the wine.

So, you can definitely make 🍷work within your IF lifestyle.

Also, I used to drink way more, but I’ve found I don’t want it as much as pre-IF. My tastes/cravings have changed over the past 9 months. I’m 58 lbs down. But I still LOVE my Friday margarita!!!


I generally am only having one drink and it is at the end of my eating window. I tend not to sweat too much if I stop eating at say 6:30pm but don’t finish my drink until 7pm, I’ll still track the fast as normal. It can be hard when you want a drink later in the evening but you just gotta weigh if having the drink is more important than keeping the fast rolling


I don’t have a great success story yet, but I do like my beverages and I have a few low-calorie / low-carb strategies that might help:

-CBD sodas - your mileage may vary of course, but if you find a product and dosage that works for your metabolism it could be a good substitute for a glass of wine or two.

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