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Women: Tell me your routine (calories, exercise, fasting period, etc)

Hi, just getting started and I am interested in hearing from other women on what is bringing you the most success. Specifically would like to hear about what your fasting window is, how many calories you eat on avg. Do you limit sugars, carbs etc? What kind of exercise do you do? How long did it take to start seeing progress? Gimme all the deets pls.

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39F 5’10” SW: 176 CW: 163.6 GW: ? I started IF 02/07/2022. So far I’ve lost 12 pounds. I eat one meal a day at around 6 pm, calories range from 600- probably 1200. I also drink a cup of coffee with flavored creamer at 5 am, probably 150 calories, so I wouldn’t say that I technically am fasting 23:1 due to the breakfast coffee. Soon I plan on switching to half and half in my coffee, then weening off of that, but I’m not ready yet! I’m not exercising at all yet, and on the weekends I increase my eating window from 1 hour up to 4-8 hours.

However you decide to do it, good luck!


39F, 5’8”, SW 252, CW 235, GW ?. I started at the end of January and have stuck to IF every day since.

My feeding window is generally 5-6 hours (usually eat around 1-2 pm and then dinner at 6:30ish and nothing after). A lot of times I just snack a bit in the afternoon, rather than actually eating lunch. I occasionally do OMAD. I originally intended to do 16:8, but found it very easy to push it to 18-19 hours, so I just kept that up.

I don’t count calories, but I would guess I’m generally doing between 1200-1800 calories a day; some days are higher I’m sure. I am not low-carb by any means, but cutting out breakfast helped me drastically cut my carb intake, since my favorite breakfast was always a bagel or croissant or something like that.

I walk about 3 miles a day 5 times a week and do strength training 3 times a week. I usually end up walking 12-15k steps a day.


35F, 5’6”, SW 188 - CW 170 - GW 140ish. Started 12/11 with 16/8, switched to 18-20 hour fasts in mid January and lost 18lbs so far. I probably eat between 1200-2000 calories daily, my window is always closed by 6pm.

The last month I’ve added hot yoga (while fasted) twice a week and light walking. I strongly recommend clean fasting to reap the autophagy benefits and lowering insulin. When I wasn’t clean fasting I was white knuckling it until my window opened and my weight wouldn’t budge.

Good luck on your journey!

Edit: grammar.

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