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Women who aren’t highly overweight success stories?

I’m not super overweight (want to lose 20 pounds ideally and gain a bit more muscle). I’ve also heard a lot more about how IF works wonders for men, but I hear less from women. I tried it for a few weeks and was weirdly very bloated even though I don’t feel what I ate changed. I’d love to hear any success story from a woman. The only fasting schedule I’d be willing to do regularly is 16:8.

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Here’s mine https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/w57d6u/before_and_after_56_june_2021_140lbs_april_2022/

I mostly did IF, but added some full-on fasts in for good measure.


127 to 115 in 10 weeks. Paired with running, CICO and dumbbells for a bit of recomp. Mixture of 18:6, 20:4. One 24hr fast (didn’t enjoy that!). Now maintaining at about 118 with at least 14:10. If I put anymore back on I’ll shorten window.


I went from about 124 to around 114 and stayed that way for a couple of years. I did 20:4 and didn’t use any special diet.Getting back into it after a few false starts this year. So far back down to 119.


started at 128.8 lbs now happily maintaining between 113 - 110 lbs :) i been doing 18:6 and 20:4 fasts for about 3 months and lost the unwanted weight like that! i really think what made me successful was keeping the mindset of consistency > perfection. there was plenty of days i would push my eating window to have a late night treat with my family or break my fast early if i was feeling hungrier for any reason. the next day i would just get back on track and not make it a big deal! think of IF more as a lifestyle rather than a diet. i would also recommend to take any opportunity you can to just keep yourself occupied and busy. you would be surprised how much you can really get done without having food on your mind!

not to mention…the bloating!!! that became an issue for me too till i actually spoke with my doctor and was told i could take a prebiotic before me first meals and slowly the bloating got so much more manageable. a warm cup of ginger and lemon water with a teaspoon of chia seeds was something i would drink a couple times before i broke my fast and it helped my digestion tremendously!


I’m here to see what others say. I’m about a month into IF, mostly 16:8, but starting to mix in some 18:6, 20:4, and 24 hour fasts. I’m pairing it with CICO and Noom for help changing my relationship with food.

For reference, I’m 30F 5’7” starting at 155, GW of 130. Lost about 5 lbs so far. Having some interesting slow transit issues since I started, but hoping that’ll balance out as my body gets used to this.

Hoping IF will be one of the factors that helps me finally get back to my ideal weight.


Hi, I am down 6lbs and 2 cms off my belly, it’s been 3 weeks of 15:9, I don’t track anything, I just eat when I’m hungry and stop when full, I hit the gym 4 days a week and walk around. I almost never eat sugar, I drink a little bit now and then and sleep early.


63/F SW197 GW140 CW/164Started Nov 2021Major Health problemsCKD stage 4, HIGH BP, Diabetes type 2, psoriatic Arthritis Overweight, Depression/ Anxiety!!!I was sick riddled with Pain, crying ask the time,,, you name it I was over it. To much to be alive for.I started knowing nothing only eat in a 8 hour window. I started, added 5 lb weights began the life style changeI started stretching, I learned simple yoga moves.Since Nov I have missed a only a couple of days where I ate when I wanted and didn’t stench or do anything.However I’m still at it.Recent blood testsI’m down 30 solid poundsDropped insulin only on pillsBP/ normal first time in 27 yearsA1C was 17 now 6.8 yay meI’m on heavy duty Arthritis drug still, but my pain level has decreased by 70%My depression and anxiety is almost gone .This has been the best thing I’ve done for me. My husband also started.My health has improved soo much, it’s unbelievable.My appetite has gone from I want to eat all the time and bags of junk to I don’t ever get overly hungry.I would recommend this anyone.I am at a Plato I’ve been between 166 and 163 for a couple months, I feel I’m solid with that wait. Now I want to drop more weight, and start adding cardio and heavier weights.I watch the sugar and bad carbs, but usually in my windows I eat one large meal or half of it come back around 5 finish it or make something else.My guilty pleasure is Popcorn with butter. I have that at least once a week when I feel overwhelmed I want to eat something nonstop! IT WORKS.I joined the group for some insight and to learn how to break the Plato .This is first post ever.Just wanted to say this has changed my life soo much, and it changed me. When I started seeing results it motivated me even more. I even stretched and did some yoga during a outbreak of Covid couldn’t eat much. But I came through it in about 5 days. I think the best was this is easy I don’t feel deprived and anxious all the time.This is part of my life now.I just want to learn more.Good luck, you can do this…Just Start!I forgot to mention CKD STAGE 4 now Stage 2, dr. Said that’s almost impossibleBP normal A1c 17,,, now 6.8. Yay meDepression//// GONEAnxiety/ barely have a episode Psoriatic Arthritis/ on heavy drugs Pain levels have gone from 8, 9 To 2,3 at most.I am blessed


I literally was only slightly overweight when I did if on 16:8 and I dirty fasted because I need coffee and milk

It worked for me because all I really needed to lose was covid lockdown weight. By the end of the first half year I was thinner than I was before covid.


I started doing 16:8 at the end of April. Starting weight 164. Not strict about what I eat in my window and still have some alcohol. I’m down to 150. Goal weight is about 145. I do yoga a few times a week but not always


My 5’7” sister is the one who introduced me to intermittent fasting after she used it to lose 10 pounds (which is all she needed to lose) in only a month or so doing 16:8 and eating normally in her eating window. 😊

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