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Women who fast: how do you handle the hormonal cravings near and during your period?

I do perfectly fine making it through my fasting period most days, except when I’m PMSing. I always end up having to push my eating times back further and further because I give in to cravings late in the night. What are some ways to overcome those cravings and maintain a consistent fasting schedule?

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I can typically fast three weeks out of the month, but not so much the week prior to my period. I try not to over indulge but don’t beat myself up if I eat before or after my wrong window. I’mJust happy I’m successful 3/4 of each month.


I noticed that longer I fast, less cravings and PMS I have but mentally I want something sweet for the first or second day of my period. The other days of the month I try to eat 0 sweets and in all honesty I don’t even crave it.

Stay away from fast food, starchy carbs, decaf Coffee with cinnamon or just a decaf latte helps me also


Three things: I have a thing for bbq when I pmsI’ve started making my own BBQ powder (paprika, chili powder, celery salt and stevia) I spritz some water on my salad and sprinkle my concoction and enjoy my bliss. I also track potassium 3 days before my expected period and the first two days of it. Iron supplements those same days. Not for everyone but Ive always gotten anemic pre period. These three things make those 5 days bearable. Hope this helps.


Ill try to outsmart the midnight cravings by eating just a lill bit more, in just a lill longer window and add some things that are straight up tasty and snacky to check my boxes beforehand.

I had some chunks of glutonous, delicious blue cheese before dinner today.

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Categories: fasting schedule starch carbs coffee potassium snack dinner