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Women who fast, when you’ve fasted on your period, did you lose any weight?

I’m a bit frustrated, I’m on day 3 of a 15 day water fast. I’m also 3 days into my period. My weight has been maintaining a steady 153 even though I’m fasting and it’s super discouraging. Do any of you guys have experience with this? Should I keep going or wait til it’s over? Will the weight come off once my period is over?

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Oh boy, it’s the most frustrating thing ever. Trust me, you’re not alone, your body just retains fluid during your period, but the weight will drop off once it’s over. If you feel well enough keep going.


you are just holding onto water, same thing happened to me during a month long water fast, from drinking huge amounts of salt water. if you werent losing any fat, you wouldnt be alive, as it is not possible to violate the law of thermodynamics. trust the process.

for reference: 3,500 calories in 1 lb fat.

your sedentary weight maintenance calories are somewhere between 1,800 - 1,400. since you are not eating, this is the amount that will be used up each day you fast just by sitting around. if you are mildly physically active, you will burn 200 - 500 more than this. depends on what your true TDEE is.

being on your period wont change the fact that your body needs to pull energy from somewhere in order to stay in motion along with all of matter in the universe.


The week of my period my scale does not budge down even one gram, regardless if I am,eating healthy or during my regular fasting schedule. It can go up the week before about 3 to 4kgs ( water retention) and then goes down and remains steady the week of my period


I wish I could fast on my period. But I become a horrible person if I do, so I just wait until after it’s over. The cravings, the increased hunger, the exhaustion… I just couldn’t keep up with it. When I did fast on my period, though, I retained so much water I never saw results until after it was over, anyway.


When fasting I notice that my period is lighter & doesn’t last that long. Also less grouchy, since I’m bloated from being on my period, but “empty” because I’m fasting. Do what feels right for you! 🫶🏻


it’s actually easier for me to fast on my period, but hard during the luteal phase. but yes I have lost weight, and you will with time. + during your period your body needs 300 extra calories so if you aren’t eating those it’s as if you’re in an extra calorie deficit


Fasting and weight loss in general isn’t 1:1 for everyone and there are a ton of other factors that affect your weight on a day to day basis

I can’t speak to the hormone fluctuation or water retention but in general just stick with the fast if you can. Your body is still in a major caloric deficit and the weight will eventually come off

I’m a 32 year old male who dealt with anxiety/depression for a large part since fasting/OMAD. There were some rough days mentally and it seemed my body retained more water, then a couple days later I feel slightly better and there happens to be a 3-5lb dip

Lesson: weight fluctuates like crazy but a deficit is a deficit so just stick with it and you’ll be okay

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