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Wondering about incorporating a 24 hour fast weekly and need help


I’m doing 18/6 from mon-fri and 16/8 on weekends, but I’m thinking about incorporating a 24h fast weekly. I’m just having questions about the scheduling.

Right now my eating times are 12-18 / 12-6 on weekdays and 12-20 / 12-8 on weekends.My plan is to take the 24h fast on wednesdays, eating between 18-19 / 6-7, to complete the 24hr fast. Now, to continue with 18/6 after that, do I just adjust my eating schedule to be 13-18 / 1-6 the day after? Or is anything else required?

So, to summarize my eating windows:
Mon: 12-18 / 12-6
Tue: 12-18 / 12-6
Wed: 18-19 / 6-7
Thu: 13-18 / 1-6
Fri: 12-18 / 1-6
Sat: 12-20 / 12-8
Sun: 12-20 / 12-8


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The best fasting regimen is one that’s easy, flexible, and you don’t have to think too much about.

If your normal schedule has you eating before 6, I’d eat one meal on Weds around 5-6, then go back to your usual schedule.

The difference between a 24-hour fast vs a 23:1 is pretty minimal.

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