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Working from home and fasting

Has anyone got any advice on this? I work from home and find it difficult to resist temptations such as ordering junk food or heading to the local convenient store for some quick snacks. It’s too easy as I also live in a city center with fast food all around me. If anyone could give me some advice, that’d be great!

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When I’m home and obsessing about food I go through a half hour stretching routine. Hunger rarely lasts more than that, at least not peak hunger. Hunger works like a wave. If you can get through the peak of that wave you’ll be OK. Once you get through a few days ghrelin production stops and it’s just a mental game.

I do strongly believe In changing patterns. It has been extremely important to me personally.


I share exactly the same situation, the thing that keeps me away from all temptations you have is self discipline, willpower and goal objective, there’s no secret advice, nothing else but you can change this situation, when you decide to stop all the lies to yourself and commite towards your goals none of those things will be temptations.That’s basically me describing my journey from last 2 years till last month when I decided to change.I’m not being aggressive to your question.

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