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Workout during fasting?

Hey guy so I am 22F (5’2 CW:73kg and GW:58kg). I have been on keto for 2 months now and did IF/ Omad often. I started gym yesterday but my instructor is one of those who doesn’t believe in keto and IF (says one should have multiple small meals a day). Anyways she asked me why I didnt take breakfast and I said I was fasting. Now she has asked me to only come after eating something. I felt completely fine after the workout yesterday (almost 3 hours which is mostly cardio and a little weight lifting). So should I leave keto and shift to her diet plan? Or continue with IF and keto and just lie to my instructor bcz I dont want to shift my fasting window. Do u guys workout this much during ur fasting window? Is it alright?

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I work out (mostly running) fasted almost every day going on 2 years. It’s not a problem though it takes your body a little time to get “fat adapted”. I get really sleepy right after I eat my meal and can’t imagine eating before a workout now!

I would consider getting a new trainer as this one seems inflexible.


It’s called working out in a fasted state and according to studies, it helps burn fat efficiently! Im not sure how true it is but I eat from 8 to 2 PM or sometimes 10 AM to 2 PM and I workout between 6-7 AM.

Clearly your trainer is fixed in her ways. Would recommend telling her you can’t eat before your workout or just change trainers!


Look up Dr. Jason Fung, who is a nephrologist and proponent of IF. Has a great YouTube channel and talks about working out during a fast. He gives it a green light. In my experience, it is not a problem.


To begin with… I would find a new instructor. They plainly don’t know what they’re talking about. I have been doing intermittent fasting for 3 years… Very successfully… And have been working out every morning (well 5x week) and have made tremendous gains. There’s nothing wrong with working out while fasted… You just need a new instructor.


As long as you have the fat reserves, exercise while in a fasted state and in ketosis is really quite fantastic IMO.

I do ADF and spend 60 minutes on the bike or rower after I’ve been fasted for 24+ hours. That means most or all of my energy is from ketones (the alternate energy source your body uses when it’s burning fat). I find that I experience a more sustained and even energy level when I exercise on this schedule.

You may need to move on from that instructor. Many in the personal health business, dieticians included, are still trained that multiple small meals per day at a caloric deficit is the only way to safely lose excess fat. While I do believe this works for some people, it sure doesn’t for me and I have the charts to prove it.

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Categories: keto omad cardio sleep working out a fast studies jason fung intermittent fasting morning ketosis energy deficit