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Would eating an apple kick you out of autophagy?

My reason for fasting is solely for autophagy. On day 7 water only but it’s nearly impossible to sleep due to the hunger. Considering eating at least something to hopefully reduce the hunger before bed. Would a measly apple kick you out of autophagy?

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Autophagy is happening in your body all the time. Fasting kicks it up to higher levels, but it’s always happening.

If you’re having severe hunger at this stage, something is off. If you’re so hungry you can’t sleep, something is very off.

Do you have enough fat to support a fast? If you are too slim, you shouldn’t fast this long. That’s disordered and dangerous. Do rolling fasts instead and eat up well between.

Most evidence indicates that day two peaks autophagy and it begins to decline after that, anyway, so if it’s your goal but you don’t have body fat to consume, you’re better off with a weekly spike instead of trying to do it in an extended manner. Without fuel, your autophagy will fall off rapidly anyway because you don’t have the patience to rebuild with.

Autophagy requires the ability to replace what it removes. That means fat, or food. Your body isn’t stupid, it’s going to try not to destroy cells it can’t replace. But if you force the issue, it will cannibalize muscle and other important tissues.


I never had much luck breaking a fast with an apple. They are a bit harsh on the stomach, especially after seven days. I am positive this place has some quality advice on tricks to go to sleep, but I can give a couple. A glass of cold water can help fill up the stomach to feel full. Some folks like salty drinks for this as well. Another trick to getting sleep is to put a small ice pack on the small of one’s back at bedtime. Obviously an ice pack that doesn’t have any potential for leaking. But having one’s body temperature reduced at bedtime can simulate the natural lowering of body temperature at night and trigger sleep. Good luck and remember you can always stop fasting for a bit and then begin again.


Unfortunately yes, especially an apple. Because an apple contains a lot of sugar. I asked an author (can’t remember the name) who did an AMA a few weeks ago, if a cup of broth would kick my out of autophagy. (= 5 calories, 0.5 carb). His answer was (to sum it up): yes.

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