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Would it be okay for me to just fast till I’m “normal weight”


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You’ve got to think about a few things other than the target number on the scale.

Rapid Weight loss can leave you with loose skin. You are young and your skin can probably handle a quick 20 pound loss. But when you aren’t young anymore, you’ll end up with saggy skin from the loss . Especially if you lose more than 20 lbs. Slow and steady is better. Lotion up everyday too.

Your body has a default weight that can be reset. What happens to lots of people is they let their weight creep up slowly over the years. They quickly take of the 20 pounds to get back down, and then they slack off and it creeps slowly back to their previous high or higher. Then they rinse and repeat. Your body wants to take you back to your default weight and it has tools to do it. It can make you feel hungry when you’ve already eaten enough calories so that you build up fat reserves to get back to that default weight, it can slow down your metabolism, it can use lots of dirty tricks. Reset your default to what you want to weigh and it is easier to maintain that weight because you are not fighting against your body. You let your default get reset to something you don’t like or something unhealthy. It took a long time for that to happen. So, it is going to take some time and conscious effort to undo it. Don’t expect to get it done in a weekend and have it last.

The hard part about the correct way to do weight loss is that you’ve got to make it a marathon not a sprint. When you get to your real target weight, whatever that is, you need to stay there plus or minus 2 lbs for a year. The maintenance phase sucks because you don’t get the little win every time you get on the scale and it shows a lower number. It is boring and that makes it hard. However, getting on the scale every. single. day. and eating less or exercising more that very same day is what it takes to reset your ‘set point’ and to live a healthy life. You can’t take your weight and fitness for granted from now on out. Maybe a year after you hit your target weight you can only use the scale every other day. But you have to develop the habit of checking and maintaining that you follow for the rest of your life. There is this myth that some people don’t have to try to keep their bodies in shape. Bullshit. Everyone you see with a lean and fit physique puts in at least a few minutes every day and they have developed good eating and exercise habits. They just don’t go around talking about it all the time.

Since that is going to be part of your life forever, what is the rush to lose the weight in a potentially risky way? Take your time, do it once, do it right and you’ll never have to do it again. It is a lifestyle change. Really, truly, absolutely, a lifestyle change. Your weight, your body, and your health have to be a daily priority. When you get to where you want to be it only takes a few minutes a day.

You are 22. Chances are you are going to ignore this advice and ride the weight loss rollercoaster for 10 years or more. Up and down, up and down until you’ve got stretch marks, joint problems, saggy skin, diabetes and fat pouches you can’t get rid of without surgery. You’ve got 20 pounds to lose now to get to a healthy weight and probably more to get where you really want. By the time you get off the rollercoaster that could be 50, 70, 100 lbs. Maybe one day you’ll get serious about it, or maybe someone else reading this already is. Whether now is your time or not, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. This is the way.


Wouldn’t suggest it! Certainly not out of the gate.

Consider something like OMAD. It’s not nearly as life altering as a long water fast, and maintaining can be easier too.

If you want to try EFs, start with 2-3 days and see how you do. Learn about !electrolyres, breaking a fast (refeeding). I have serious sleeping issues doing even short EFs. Ability to perform at work or school will be impacted. Don’t do this on a whim.


The hard part is not the fast but the refeeding period because your body goes into HAAAAAAAAANGRY!!!!! MODE. If you have the mental fortitude to go against the inner pressure not only you can fast to normal weight but to maintain it also.


It is very important to listen to your body if you do, i.e. if you feel sick or something is wrong stop the fast, give yourself a rest and then do it again.

Also talk to your doctor if it is alright for you to fast.

Wish you amazing results and a good time :)

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