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Would these topics pique your interest?

Hi All! I’m making plans for a new website, about fasting, and wanted to see what you thought. I’ll list the main categories and topics below, let me know if you have any feedback, or if this is something that you think would be helpful to you personally. :)

About me: I’m a PA (physician assistant –similar to a doctor), and for the past four years I’ve immersed myself in books, articles, and podcasts related to fasting and low carb eating. I’ve also been fasting regularly during that time, including several week-long fasts, a few longer fasts (up to 10 days), and countless shorter fasts. I’ve also spent a lot of time answering question from friends and family about fasting and helping them get started.

Website: (The below isn’t all-inclusive of course, just major categories that I think will address the majority of “burning questions”.)

Main Goal: Break down topics and make then easy to understand—explain things so that a child could understand.

Major Categories:

For Beginners: The how, why (all the benefits), and what of fasting; all the basics including tips, tricks, and tools to ease into it, make it easy, and succeed. Common questions answered (what breaks a fast, “supplements” to use or not use, how to end a fast, etc, etc).

For Diabetes: Explain how fasting can help, and get into the nitty gritty of medications that need to be considered/adjusted, and how to approach it carefully and safely. After a medical disclaimer about working with your doctor, of course. :)

For Weight Loss: Why it works, how to make it easier, what you can expect, how to stay motivated.

For Families: Logistical (and psychological) considerations of fasting when you’re around other people who are eating, in a house full of food, and even when you’re cooking for them. Also thoughts on involving, spouse, kids, etc.

For Women: Discuss why it can be more difficult to fast, or to lose weight, including hormone changes related to the menstrual cycle and menopause, and what to do about it.

For Health / Longevity: Discuss additional health benefits related to fasting, addressing topics such as heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, stroke, fatty liver, auto-immune diseases, autophagy, and so on.

Am I missing anything super important? Would you be interested in a site like this, or find it useful?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or feedback! :)


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Sounds great. One thing I’d like to know about on a site like that is whether there is actually a way to speed up your metabolism with fasting after years of slowing it down with traditional yo-yo dieting. I listened to The Obesity Code audiobook twice and I’m still not clear on that.


I would be interested in seeing a timeline of what is happening in the body hour by hour as the fasting window starts and the different processes unfold. I would also like the see an excellent explanation of autophagy and what it does.

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