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Y'all progress pics make me feel bad

It’s not like Im jealous. It’s more like “why everyone has a big change but me?” thing…

I’ve been on IF since August and lost 10kg, but I needed a surgery in December and my doctor told me to stop IF for about a month to properly heal. So I stopped until middle January for health reasons.

After that I have been trying to pick it up again but it’s so hard now! I was doing OMAD before since it made more sense by that time but now Im barely able to do 18-6 without giving in to temptations. I’m still 10kg lighter than before, and people notice that, but for me… I can’t see one single difference in my body.

I think that’s part of the reason I’m demotivated to start over. I can’t see this weight lost in the mirror. And then I come here and someone lost 5kg and is already thinner, like ?????? Why? Why 5kg is so obvious in other people and 10kg isn’t for me?

May be just a self image thing? Yes. Everyone around me noticed, some people asked if I was sick because I lost so much in so little time, but I can’t see it and that makes me feel like crap.

Sorry for the long rant and all the mistakes, English is my second language and I’m not that good at it…

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I used to look at progress pics like, “Why can’t I have that?”

Now, I look at progress pics like, “They did it, so I can, too!”

You are defeated by those pictures, because some part of you still thinks you can’t do it, that you’re some kind of black sheep. But that’s a lie. The mirror lies. You can do it, just like the thousands of people on this sub. I’d even bet that you’re not the first person who’s been through what you have.

So I say again, you can do it. Whether it’s 0.25lbs or 250lbs, progress is progress!


Idk but same. I randomize so my body doesn’t get used to it. Some days 14, 18, 22, 36. Try to hit close to weekly calorie count so I don’t go into stagnation mode. Have lost a whopping 8 pounds since April 2021. I feel ya. Bout ready to leave the group cuz it’s just not working for me


Aw, don’t give up. You’re in good company. From what I understand, the unhealthy part of the weight, the visceral fat around our organs, is usually the first to go after we deplete the glycogen in our liver. And yet, the visible belly fat can be the hardest to go, especially as you get older.

And 10kg is all relative to height and current weight. I’m always amazed to see the difference you mentioned, too. How much a few pounds can make on some people - but not on me. I’m often told I carried my weight pretty well, but that also means it will take quite a few pounds more to make a difference.

Print out your chart where you see the 10kg difference, and hang it up to remind yourself where you came from. It’s a big achievement, and even if it takes longer to get to your GW, you’re on the right track!


I had surgery a few years ago and just here to say don’t give up! That’s a big thing to recover from, whether it was major surgery or a routine procedure. Your body has to heal from that and that can feel like a big set back. You just have to be patient with yourself, everyone has their own journey. I admire a lot of pictures here but if you look closely, most of the success stories are from 12-18 months of hard work, not an overnight thing.


Many people don’t see the weight loss on themselves because they never saw themselves the way they really were in the first place. This is the same phenomena that causes emaciated anorexics to think they are fat.
I saw this with myself as I didn’t see a difference, but my spouse and father said it was a tremendous difference.
Anyway- it’s not about How your doing if WHAT your doing is correct. The how will come around if you do WHATs needed.


The mirror always lie. Ever had a really good day, looked in the mirror and noticed how fit you look? Same when you are having rough days. If youre expecting to not see any progress, thats what you will see.


I wonder about some pics on here just being Karma farming. I know there’s one account I’ve blocked recently that was pretty obvious on consecutive days.

10kg is a large loss - be proud! When someone is a lighter person, smaller losses are way more visible. We’re all working to be that lighter person.

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