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You can replace fruit with dark chocolate. Prove me wrong. (Protip: you can't)


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No you couldn’t. There are so many vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibre in fruits, which dark chocolate simply doesn’t have, so no you couldn’t skip fruits by replacing it with dark chocolate. Note that ‘fruits’ represents a huge variety of hundreds of different things, which makes your suggestion quite poor.


As someone who is the most against fruit person on the planet due to how ridiculously high calorie it is and offers absolutely zero satiation, no, sorry, dark chocolate doesn’t replace the micronutrient profile of fruit.


well you can actually and here is how.

step 1- throw fruit in garbage, do not buy any more fruitstep 2 - buy dark chocolate (my preferred ritter sport, 61,74,81%, 4g/piece, 25 piece/barstep-3 replaced

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