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Your Daily Fasting Thread

#Share your daily fast story thread! 📃

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     ❓ Why are you fasting? (ex: weight loss, other health benefits, spiritual/religious reasons)
     📝 Notes (How is it going so far? Any concerns? Insights to share?)

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Shooting for a 7 day fast but might extend to a 10-14 day fast.Really just trying to address my addiction to food and nicotine and I am a firm believer that fasting will get rid of toxins that I have built up over time. Hoping to develop better mental strength. Also I did this when I was 19 and 2 years later I bulked up with higher body fat so hopefully I can sustain myself for 14 days if I want. I do wonder if something like electrolytes should be added to my water, but I don’t know what kind or where to source.


On day 7 of my attempt at a 3 week fast, 1/3 of the way there haha. Fasting to lose weight, and to reverse my signs of pre-diabetes. I feel absolutely amazing and can’t believe how low my hunger is. Started at 345 and am now at 327.

Today I drank my electrolyte mix extra quickly because I’m not a fan of the taste. It’s calcium, magnesium, and potassium citrates, all powder, with pink salt. Within 30 minutes, I had bad runs. Is this a normal occurrence and something avoided by just spreading them out more?


Enjoying my new routine of starting a 48-72hr fast on Sunday evenings. OMAD the rest of the week. Keto is going WAY better than I thought it would. I am genuinely excited to get on the scale each time and see the numbers go down. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to say that!


Slowly putting my feet into the water with fasting as part of my new years resolution and overall goal of targeting improving my health this year and lengthen my lifespan.

I tried to do a full day fast on Saturday (after eating a particularly large meal Friday night w/ a coworker), and couldn’t make it. The snack foods in the pantry kept calling to me. Tried again Sunday- and made it! Ordered some food in advance for Monday to help push the temptation off.

I’m going to try for OMAD for this week I think and maybe try a longer fast period on the weekend. Last night I did still go to sleep dreaming about food, but that still wasn’t nearly as bad as it was on Saturday.

Trying to retrain my brain to remind it my mind is in control, not my stomach.

My stomach can’t be trusted.


I’m on day two of a \~60 hour fast (pretty much my favorite length). Day one I was really cold, which I’ve experienced before. However, \~24 hours into my fast the cold went away and now I’m warm? I don’t remember that before. I am supplementing with trace minerals and electrolytes.


40 hours into a 72 hour fast! I was hoping I’d be back to onederland this morning, but sadly was at 200.1. Thinking tomorrow morning’s weigh-in will get me back to a 1 in front of my weight and then I can sustain an ADF-like routine.


I’m 92 hours into a 96 hour fast. My starting weight was 131.5 and now I’m at 125.0. I had told myself i could break my fast when i hit 125 but I’m afraid itll ruin it and ai’ll gain if I break it. (I was aiming for 96 hours or a goal weight of 125). I might go a bit longer so I can drop below 125 and then eat. I did a 10 day fast years ago. Definitely did NOT re-feed correctly so that’s got me anxious. Think i will start with some applesauce. Wait 20-30 minutes. Then have some mashed potatoes or sweet potato. Wait a little while then have some stew. And then be ready for “solid” foods. Does that sound good? Im starting a journey of rolling fasts because I had gained about 35 pounds over the covid time and wanna lose it.


around 64h into my… hopefully 20 or more day fast? (dw, I have over 200 lbs to lose). Thinking about using all this fasting energy to get some exercise, go on long walks etc. Also thinking of going cleaner with my fast, dr pepper zeroes helped me with my second day a lot, but they just make me feel guilty as all heck.

Feeling very good. Energetic. No headaches. Cooked a meal for my grandma and almost accidentally taste tested it but that was out of “muscle memory” or whatever and not actually out of wanting to eat the food. Very good progress!


I just ended a 41 hour fast, re-fed with a big keto meal and have headed into a 48 hour. This is pretty much how my January is going, with less fasting on the weekends, but still maintaining LCHF. I have put away my scale for now and am focusing on staying in ketosis (using a keto-mojo monitor). I have about 10 more lbs to lose to be back to my summer weight. Heading home to the islands in March, so I’ve got to shed the carb weight from cold weather holidays on the continent!


4th week of dual 48s. It’s getting much easier now. I’ve hit first 48 of the week, but it will extend until tomorrow morning. I made some homemade hash browns for my morning breakfast tomorrow.

I’m also getting at bit better at managing my extra time. Did all the dishes that had been piling up.

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Categories: weight loss electrolytes refeeding dry fasting fasting apps studies 7 day fast 14 day fast body fat lose weight diabetes magnesium potassium pink salt evening omad keto snack sleep stomach 60 hour fast mineral 72 hour fast morning 10 day fast energy muscle memory ketosis holidays