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Breaking your fast occasionally

Do you think breaking your fast once per week impacts your weight loss/ body reconfiguration progress?

This does not involve going over the calorie limit.

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Some lady on Joe Rogan who studied IF in mice said in a podcast a few years ago that she recorded no significant difference between mice who fasted 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, and mice who fasted 15 hours a day, 5 days a week. That’s the best I got for ya, though.


Unlikely, as long as you’re not wildly overeating that day. The benefits of IF have a lot to do with reducing insulin resistance, and that is affected by average insulin levels over long periods of time, like months or years. So it’s about what you do most days, not what you do on any single day.

Also what do you mean by “breaking your fast once a week”? Just eating outside your usual eating period one day? Because in that case you’re still doing a fast — just a shorter one.

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