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how much protein is needed to build muscle

For arguments sake, let’s say a person works out, and then eats protein. If they eat 10g of protein a day, that isn’t enough protein to maintain muscle nevermind build. If they eat 20g that maintains but doesn’t build, 30g maintains and builds, 40g maintains and builds but then excess protein and turns to fat. Idk if that is how it works or not, I’m assuming it is. So my question is, how do you know how much protein you need for whatever you do, to not fall short and make the workout useless, or to eat too much (from what I’ve heard it then gets stored as fat? Again, not sure how true that is)

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You can’t have too much protein and excess protein is not necessarily turned into fat. Protein is a macronutrient and as such contains energy. Excess protein will be turned into energy. Every gram of protein has 4kcal of energy. If you exceed your calorie requirement for the day then excess energy is turned into fat. You could eat only protein all day but as long as you don’t eat in a calorie surplus the excess won’t be stored as fat. In order to build muscle you generally need anywhere between 0.8-1gram of protein for every lb of lean body weight. You can eat more, but it’s highly advisable to leave space for other macronutrients which are also important. Fat gain or loss will be dictated by your energy balance.


Most studies show you need atleast 72% of your body in grams of protein. So for me at 180lbs I need about 130g of protein to properly build muscle. The only way your going to gain fat from protein is if your over eating from a protein only diet which is almost impossible.


There are a few factors you need to be aware of first:

  1. What is your weight?

  2. What is your gender?

  3. How old are you?

  4. What is your current protein intake?

  5. What form of exercise do you do?

Tell me these and I’ll tell you a good protein range


Don’t overcomplicate it. Try to get around 1g/lb and eat 3-5 protein filled meals per day. If you want to “optimise” how much of your protein is used for muscle protein synthesis, you need multiple protein feeding windows across the day with around 30g in each meal.


Please don’t random search up 1 answer and think that’s the right one. Look for scientific evidence behind the answers else u will get ridiculous high amount of proteine which is bad for u. These ridiculous high amounts come from companies that are trying to sell their protein supplements. They claim it’s necessary/recommended which is NOT. For instance look at this doctor explaining how much you need https://youtu.be/ATAhqZ7yulo.

Keep in mind that processed proteine is never ever is as good as fresh egg or fish. Do your research well.

I would love to answer your questions further or send you the right links about it. Always listen to a doctor like Doctor Mike, Doctor Berg, Doctor Sam etc. You can find them on youtube. And don’t listen to “bodybuilders, food/protein experts” or whatever. They are just trying to sell more proteine for money.

Take care!😁

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