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Should an incomplete protein be counted into total protein intake throughout the day?

Like bone broth for example. I buy one that touts 11g of protein per serving but should that even be counted into the daily need for an individual?

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“Incomplete” refers to amino acid makeup of the protein being low in some areas, not necessarily nonexistent. Humans need to get 9 specific ones in the diet because they cannot be synthesized. Soy and animal proteins are “complete” in that they have all 9 essential amino acids.

This is really something that people worry too much about. As long as you eat a variety of foods, get enough macro and micronutrients, etc. you will be fine. The protein count on the nutrition facts can be used regardless of amino acid profile.


Yes. It should be counted towards total protein intake, as long as complementary/complete proteins are consumed as well throughout the day. The important thing for proteins is that all of the essential amino acids are consistently included in the diet.

Now if someone were only consuming incomplete (no complete) proteins, without complimentary protein intake, I would argue that it shouldn’t be included at that point, since the person is likely to still show signs of protein calorie malnutrition, among other issues. For instance, say the only protein source in someone’s diet was collagen - an incomplete protein, and they ate no other foods with a significant protein content. While they may technically hit the recommended protein intake (for most healthy adults, 0.8-1.2 g/kg), they will still inevitably begin to show signs of protein deficiency and malnutrition, simply because not all essential acids are available.


The sum of all protein you eat through the day should be complete.

Individual proteins eaten throughout the day don’t need to be, and still count, as long as when the day ends you’ve eaten enough, and enough variety, that you got all your amino acids in.

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