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what’s your opinion on coffee? It’s a drug? But why do some say it’s healthy?


It lowers my vibration coffee is just stress i think.

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Sounds like lots of mixed reviews up in here. I didn’t have any taste for coffee for all the first 27 years of my life, then end of last year started to enjoy having a cup or two in the morning, starting one really hectic early morning when a coworker made me some coffee as a kind gesture. Worth mentioning, I have a long history of addiction to soda in my teens, which later turned into energy drinks in adulthood as well. For awhile after quitting soda I was on the “sugar free” energy drink wagon since we all drink them at work. All of us. The Bangs, Rockstars, which are loaded with the other artificial sweeteners, often times maltodextrin, along with the other fun chemicals they came up with in a lab.

I didn’t care for coffee, yet then again for 25 years I didn’t care for tea either, at all, yet quality loose-leaf hot green tea ended up being the very thing that helped me find a new healthier habit to quit sugary beverages once and for all when I was 25. Fast forward a bit later, and I would say (black) coffee actually helped me quit all energy drinks too.

Probably safe to say that having some tea and coffee, in the most natural way, is much safer than the other options I was sucking down for years and years. I don’t drink 400mg (or more) of caffeine a day anymore. It’s more like 200mg, some days none at all, I just drink sparkling mineral water.

HOWEVER, coffee beans are notorious for being some of the most sprayed plants of pesticides! So the quality is very important. This could be what is screwing people up with their digestion too (similarly to how we are seeing the correlation with seed oils causing people problems because of all the chemicals they use during processing them, rather than just the omega-6 ratio). So, like with everything you are consuming or putting on your body, if you drink coffee spend the extra bit of time and money researching the more natural companies and coffee can definitely be a great addition to your diet. I’ve never had problems with it, and I also do limit myself to just a few cups. I’ll only have regular coffee before 2pm, and then if it’s later I will have organic decaf. There are properties to coffee similar to tea in the antioxidants it has, via polyphenols. I can also attest, at least for me, it’s one effective natural diuretic if you know you’re retaining water.

Again, I just drink it black, I limit how many cups and I go for trying to support the companies that are actually organic. I go back and forth between coffee and green tea, especially when fasting. I never add sugar, milk or creamer to it. If I added anything, I’d probably add real butter, but since I know I don’t need it I don’t.


I avoid it most of the time. Hurts my stomach and intestines at times.

People say it’s healthy because they want to hear good news about what they already do. I wouldn’t tell someone they need to start drinking coffee to be healthier.


I like to test it time to time. Usually it boost me during the day. if I have it after food it’s without crash but crash is coming day after. You need to drink it everyday probably to ripe benefits. It’s definitely stimulant with additictive proprieties


It’s been proven to stave off dementia. They had a clinical study of nurses that did or didn’t drink coffee over a twenty year period. The coffee drinkers didn’t develop dementia.I drink a cup a day, black. But, I also drink Shivambu too, for high vibrations.


Coffee is a food not a drug. And it’s probably the healthiest food that most people eat. IIRC it’s the food most rich in polyphenols that the average person consumes.

Having said that, on a personal level, I hate the stuff. Or rather my guts hate it. But I kinda wish they didn’t. The reason some people say it’s healthy is because research has consistently shown that it reduces all-cause mortality and e.g. risk of dementia.


I love coffee, its my vice. The thought of it gets me out of bed in the mornings and unlike almost anyone I know I can drink a cup before going to sleep.

However when I’m wet fasting I don’t think there’s anything in the world that tastes worse, its literally disgusting. I couldn’t even imagine how bad it would be when I’m dryfasting.

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