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17 days into my 40 day fast!

Hey all,

I’m currently 17 days into my 40 day fast and I was just hoping to get some advice from people who have fasted for a long time before.

Basically, I haven’t lost any weight for about 4 days and I read that refeeding then starting again can help but I’m not sure. I’m thinking its just water retention as I also started my period today, and I’m taking about 2g of sodium a day. On the sodium thing, I had some yesterday and my heartrate shot up to about 112 for about 5 mins (resting is usually 55), which can’t be normal..

Should I do a refeed day or just suck it up? I’d hate to stop now, I’m not even halfway through

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Refeeding is something that primarily occurs with people who are not in a position to lose weight (e.g. no excess body fat). If you are not in this camp, don’t trouble yourself.

Those with uteruses tend to take on quite a bit of water weight during their cycle. This too is likely the answer.


If you are feeling okay to continue physically, do so knowing that you are losing weight. How in the world do you think your body is running? It must be using body fat. The issue you’re having is you think the scale is a perfect representation of how much you “weigh”.


You shouldn’t really weigh before or during a period because your body holds onto fluid.

I fasted two days before my period. Weighed the day of my period and no weight loss.

Two days later, I was suddenly 4.6kg down.


Just keep going and you’ll eventually lose weight. You might need some potassium if you are overconsuming on sodium. As long as you are still feeling good and does not have an elevated heart rate for an extended time, just keep going.

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