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ADF: How many calories should I consume on my eating days?

Hi lads

I’m relatively new to the fasting world and this week I have just done 2 sets of rolling 36-40 hour fasts (woohoo!) with my next one being tomorrow. I normally finish dinner at 7pm, don’t eat the day after, and then break my fast at 11am the following day. I’m a 22F, 5’6, 140lbs-ish with a goal to lose another 15. I also workout 3-5 days a week, which is mostly running.

My question is: How many calories should I be consuming on my eating days? When I haven’t been fasting but still wanting to calorie restrict, I usually consume \~1400-1600 calories to steadily lose weight. Should I still stick to this number or, considering that I’m not eating for a good portion of the week, should I bump it up a bit? I’m also a carb lover (basically married to oatmeal), but have been considering additionally making the switch to a more keto-like diet.

There’s a lot of info out there to take in and it’s a little overwhelming, so any of your very kind advice would be perf!! Thanks!

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You need to estimate your BMR and average active caloric expenditure. Your deficit will determine how fast you lose weight. A good rule of thumb is 3500 kcal per pound.

Keto is definitely a good idea for a variety of reasons. First it won’t kick you out of ketosis, so it is as if your next fast started 24 hours earlier. This maintains you in fat burning mode, keeps away the cravings, help keep your energy up, etc. It also will help make you feel full.

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