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fasting healed my body

It sounds mental, but I have been doing omad for the last month or so, somehow I am all beeter for it.

Here is how I knew, when I bite myself, it would turn into a bad sore within a day, it’s always been like that all my life even when I was just a boy. But today I discovered that there was no sore. If anything it healed. How is this possible??

Also I grew up having milk, and somewhere along the way I developed a lactose intolerance. I started having a bit of cream and cheese now, and I have no effects. If anything I don’t think I am intorlorent anymore. I had some strawberries and a whole lot of whipped cream and it was fine.

I read that when you fast, your body gets a chance to heal itself isntead of dealing with all these foods, which has a whole lot of sugar.

Idk what to think other than I am going to keep going

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Yup. Just ask someone with eczema or psoriasis who has tried fasting. There are some miraculous cases out there. Fasting can totally help the body heal, whether it’s thru autophagy or just giving your body a break from the constant assault by things that inflame the immune system.


>Idk what to think other than I am going to keep going

Exactly! :)

Just be grateful that something so ridiculously simple can have such profound benefits. It’s a shame that more people don’t know about it (or don’t have the courage or whatever to really give it a go) and that it’s not more accepted in modern science (i.e. a physician actually telling you to fast for a couple of days).


If you want to know the science behind it listen to this podcast on YouTube. I highly recommend this channel if you want to expand your knowledge.It covers many subjects, fasting, gut health, sleep, blood pressure. Even how and why spices are good. They recently conducted the world’s largest scientific study into intermittent fasting so they know their stuff.https://youtu.be/3yExtphYB8w


This is so true. I went through a pretty big change in my life that made me unable to keep anything down for about a month. In that time I ate a packet or crackers here and there (maybe once a week) and drank Diet Coke, ginger ale and water. I was not fasting by choice! But once I was able to keep some stuff down I began OMAD and intermittent fasting. I started at 240lbs and in the first month I had lost about 40lbs. The next two weeks I lost another 15, bringing my weight to about 185.

Before I lost the weight I was miserable in every possible way. I was in constant pain, depressed, constantly exhausted, I mean I was barely functioning to the point I was wishing for death.

Six weeks later I was an entirely different person. I felt good about myself for the first time in my whole life. I liked the way that I looked. I started tanning and leaving my house again and I was genuinely happy. I had so much energy.

Here’s the cool part. I had gone to the doctor right before this happened and I had a few vitamin deficiencies (including vitamin D), a high rheumatoid factor, horrible edema, anemia and severe depression - all diagnosed. I went to the doctor shortly after the weight loss and almost everything was gone. I’m going to sound like I belong on r/thathappened for a second but my doctor actually told me she was proud of me and that people like me are the reason she is so passionate about her job. (It wasn’t just about the fasting and weight loss- it was about the other big change I made but I don’t want to get into that.) For the first time in my life I wasn’t a nervous wreck about the scale or seeing the doctor, I was kind of excited. She made me feel so great about what I accomplished in such a short amount of time- it was one of the best times of my life. And even though a lot of people knock tanning- the tanning helped with my vitamin D deficiency and that was no longer an issue for me either! Obviously it’s only an occasional thing for me- not something I would do for prolonged periods.

Even though it was unintentional it was the best thing that ever happened to me and showed me the true benefits of fasting. I thought I was going to live miserable like that the rest of my life.

Here’s the shitty part. Unfortunately, I gained the weight back and a lot of the symptoms because it was not planned and although I had fasted for 24 hours here and there over the years I had never intentionally not eaten anything for a month. But I am determined to do this the right way and get healthy again because I know the benefits now and how amazing it is. I joined this sub to try and get my mindset into the right place to be able to do this again and posts like this give me a lot of hope and inspiration so thank you!


Great to year. I feel better by doing intermittent fasting. Once a day or so.

Drank cow milk for decades. Can’t drink it now. Oatmilk or other plant-based milk. The sugar is too much in the cow milk for me.

Cow milk is a fairly recent part of human diets as is eating carbs when agrarian cultures started.

Heavy cream, cheese, grass-fed butter, ghee is fine with us.

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