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Fasting timeline

I work a normal 9-5 schedule and usually do the 12-8 schedule eating. That means my sleep is included within my fasting timeline.

What if I flipped it on its head and had a 10-6 eating period (meal immediately before and after sleep)?

Is there any issue with this?

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Some people find eating right before bed gives them a worse sleep. I’m sure if you can give yourself an hour before sleeping after eating that would be okay. Failing that individuals are different so give it a try!


Based on research with circadian rhythm, that’s not recommended. Ideally, we should stop eating two hours before we sleep, and not in the first hour after waking up. That has to do with various processes in our body. But it needs to fit our lives of course.

Including sleep in our fasting window also seems easier, I guess, for most people. It certainly is for me.

But I’m curious. Why do you think that the other way around works better? In order to do 16:8, you would barely sleep 8 hours (likely less than 7), if you can’t eat outside of 8 hours.


Eating right before bed is a terrible idea for multiple reasons. Skip breakfast and lunch and have a late afternoon snack before dinner if you can’t wait. Don’t drink coffee or any other calories outside of your eating window.

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