For me breakfast and lunch. When I do not eat in the morning I am so toxic person but when there is dinner its evening and I am ok to not eat.
I’ve heard that potatoes contain a lot of essential nutrients, but I’ve also heard that potatoes are unhealthy.
I wonder if it is benficial to rather skip the dinner than the breakfast? I mean if you finish your last meal and drink at 6 pm and go to bed at 10 pm, you will be done...
I have tried intermittent fasting for 2 months now, I usually just skipped my dinner and tried to maintain a 16 hr fasting period but there's no significant difference in my weight, what is the most effective and healthy way...
I am going to do a 1month fast (to get rid of corona weight and the getting confortable in a relationship weight). I have done one in the past to kickstart my fight against obesity. I am agraid atm that...
This is a few years back, wanted to see what happened. Had to take the GF out for a nice dinner, so I had some steak, fish and booze. Ketosis held strong.
I’ve been fasting for about a month now and I typically do 16:8 and it’s been great so far. Today I wanted to do my first 24 hour fast and it’s honestly gone really well with just water throughout the...
Any difference? I like to eat around my workouts which are in the morning, so I figure I’ll skip dinner and stop eating after 1pm and have a hearty breakfast the following day before I lift weights
I’ve watched Dr. Jason Fung’s video on the benefits/drawbacks of skipping breakfast vs dinner while doing TRE ( where he says skipping dinner is more effective, but the focus there is on weight loss. I, however, am underweight already and...
Had a NY strip tonight and usually after something like that I'm quite satisfied for the night. But man. . .having severe hunger pangs right now. A little frustrating. Guess I'll make myself a...
I'm about 24 hours into a fast. Like title says, had a coffee in the AM and am thinking about drinking hot sauce now just to mix things up and keep my fast interesting. Does this affect the benefits of fasting...
I've tried IF before and it does work, I usually did 18:6 and sometimes stretching out the fasting periods. However ever since I started my new job I noticed that I go out for dinner more often as it is unavoidable,...
My wife is an angel and loves to make me lunch and dinner. Even though it’s keto it’s usually high calorie. I told her I’m doing spam and pickles for the next month so relax baby. She is so sweet...
Is it bad to go to bed hungry? I want to start IF but leaving out dinner. So can someone tell me if it is ok, and if there are any studies supporting your advice?
Does this work? Thanks!
When I'm doing rolling 48s, I find dinner time to be the hardest part of my day. Not because I'm hungry, but because dinner feels very symbolic to me. It's like, sitting down to eat dinner flips the "relax/reset" switch...
Hello! I'm looking to start IF for the first time. When reading about it every site says that you should do 16/8 from 12.00-20.00. I feel like the 16/8 plan would work the best for me but I also feel...
I’ve been doing IF for a year which has definitely contributed to some of my weight loss but I have kind of hit a plateau. My eating window is around 12-7 but I dirty fast by adding 1 tbsp of...
Hey, I have been doing a 16/8 fast everyday for the past week by skipping breakfast. However, I feel like skipping dinner might be a better option for me personally, as I tend to be in a way better and...
Thinking on doing my first 7 day water fast, anyone with experience on just doing it without planning ahead and just jumping in to it. (I have done several 36 hours and some 72 hours with very little issues)
I'm looking for ideas for **quick**, protein-packed "dinner" food to end my ending window while I'm at work. I see clients 4 pm to 8 pm and only have a few minutes between appointments. I'd like to eat my last...
I am curious about your opinion… I have this problem with intermittent fasting: - In the next months I need to take medication in the morning which causes me nausea if I take it to completely empty stomach. - it is...
Which is better? Is it depending on when you're consuming the most energy?
I am thinking of doing an eating window between 2 - 7pm and fast the rest of the time, but will it be okay to have 2 meals in this time? I’m thinking have lunch at 2 and dinner at...
So I have done 16:8 as my general eating schedule for years now but I have always skipped breakfast and had a late lunch and dinner around 6 but I have been thinking of switching that up. Anyone else who...
I've tried 16:8 with my eating window being from 12:00 to 20:00, but recently I've noticed I have more time in the mornings for a meal instead of my afternoons. I've heard skipping dinner is an option, but I don't...
Hi all! I've started with IF a month or so ago, it was very gradual, started with 14:10 and then I incremented the fasting hours to 16:8 (the first time I fasted for 16 hours was SO HARD!) then 18:6...
I’ve been stopping eating after breakfast and lunch, 6Am-noon most days. It’s been surprisingly easy. I did this mainly because I saw some people report better sleep when doing so and since my sleep sucks, I dove in...
The hardest thing I've found about doing extended fasts is cooking for my kids. We have 3 kids and I do almost all the cooking. (By choice, I enjoy cooking, and I work from home and have more flexibility to...
Do you find it easier to skip breakfast or dinner? It seems like most people skip breakfast. But I was wondering if dinner may be easier to skip as then the last part of the fast (which I assume is...
I started 16:8 twelve days ago. All is going well. Not eating any special way but have only had one glass of wine so far. It works for me because it’s easy to skip breakfast while my family has theirs....
I’ve always been a breakfast skipper but the problem is I’m now starting to dislike this routine. I hate having to rush home after work to make sure I don’t eat too late and too close to bedtime. My cravings...
I have a simple question regarding IF.Should I rather skip dinner or breakfast? All the posts/articles/research points to just skipping breakfast, but I want to skip dinner. Do I NEED to skip breakfast? Or will it work the same if...
I started fasting 3 weeks ago. Started doing 16:8, skipping breakfast and having a strong dinner. Eating from 11am to 7pm. I started reducing the eating frame and found myself with less hunger at the afternoon so I thought skipping...
I was wondering whether anyone's experienced something similar and has tips to manage it? I'm doing 16:8 and have been for a week and a half. I eat from 12pm to 8pm. When I wake up in the morning, I'm not...
Although I've been fairly fit and healthy throughout my life I've always had a major drawback: late night cravings, resulting in unhealthy choices (processed stuff, with way too much sugar involved). I've been researching this over the years but have...
Say you got a different one each day with veggies, and for the rest of the day you eat a variety of whole wheat bread, yoghurt, some fruits. Would eating a frozen dinner each day throw a wrench in...
I work nights and its just hard to come up with a good time to eat. I used to work days, eating dinner then going to bed later on was perfect. Now its just rough. I'm struggling...
Hey I’m beginning a fast today. Was hoping I could find some accountability buddies for check ins and support who will be beginning with me today.
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
Up until now I usually did 17:7, from 6.30pm to 11.30am, but I found that I snack a lot in the afternoon. Can I just add a short fast between lunch an dinner, so I'm less tempted to snack? That...
So I was going to start trying intermittent fasting with my girlfriend so we could support each other, but with my work schedule I work 6am to 6pm for two weeks, then 6pm to 6am. If I fast...
Would putting lemon slices in a glass of water during the fasting time be ok, or no?
(19F) my mom consistently advises against it and says that I’ll gain weight if I eat after 7pm. Is it better to follow an 11am - 6pm schedule or is 1PM - 9PM okay?
I feel like after a meal, especially OMADs which tend to be a little heavier, I need to wait about 30 minutes before I consider it a fast lol. Does it matter?
My wife wants to start fasting, but ever since our last baby she still gets morning sickness. The only thing that helps it is if she has a small bite to eat when she feels it coming on. She’s tried...
Do I break a 10 day fast at dinner (day 10) or in the morning (day 11)?
Hello, I am looking for ideas, tricks of the trade or some valuable suggestions. I have been fasting for over a week now but I have ran into some snags. My work schedule is all over the place. No set...
I’m doing 20:4, and I wake up starving! I’m not so hungry later in the day, its the morning that kills me. My schedule is wake up no food until 6-8pm (whenever I get home from work), I stop eating...
I've been debating on if I should start fasting before dinner time or if I should keep skipping breakfast. What do you do and what is your reasoning? [View Poll](
New to IF, was trying to start with 9 hours. I just wanted to get an idea on whats the best approach, or if i should do 12 instead.
For example, does the benefits of eating your OMAD routine at 5-6pm act differently than eating at 9-10pm, if you go to sleep around 11pm-12am that same day?
I'm back on IF and doing 16:8. My eating window is from 11am tp 6pm. I usually eat my main meal/lunch at around 11am-12pm, snack some more around 2-3pm, and usually stay pretty full until 6pm. To make sure I...
So here is my situation. I wake up at 4.30am to go to the gym for roughly an hour. My body recovers better and I general feel better if I have a shake or a light breakfast after that workout. On...
I just started IF this week. I am on day 4 and everything is going well. However, I expect to have a problem early next week. Currently my eating schedule is from 10-6. Next week I...
I do 16:8 and skip breakfast, it's working very well for me, I don't feel any hunger and since my meals are very close, I'm not very hungry for dinner.
Ok so I’m 21 6’0 and I’m 260 right now started at 310 I’d like to get down to about 240-250 I’ve tried a few different things but can’t find anything that fits me. My son is coming up on...
I usually do IF and/or OMAD with a 20:4 timing. With some trial and error I have found that 10am-2pm is my ideal eating window where the hunger either side is much lower, I sleep better and am have more success...
I think one of the reasons I got in a stall last year was I got in a rut, lost mojo and window expanded. My working hours vary slightly from day to day. Is there any reason (for example) a protocol similar...
Due to having a little one, I have to get up early (6am). I also work late, getting home around 7:30pm and going to bed around 9:30pm. I was originally going to have my eating window be to skip breakfast...
I've always thought it's better to skip dinner and eat breakfast. I have this odd rule of only eating when the sun is up. Right now things have changed and I know I have to skip breakfast and eat dinner....
i’ve done some fasting here and there and i would usually go for about 48 hours max cause i would give in to the temptations and break the fast but i’m looking to fast for a lot longer to lose...
I'm considering dropping from 3 meals a day to 2 meals a day. I tried searching, but couldn't find anything. Which is the easiest to remove from your day? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? I want to start on the path to...
Hi all! I’m brand new to IF starting tomorrow, and I’d love to know what timeframes you guys follow and really any and all tips you may have for me! Thank you in advance!
I’m a little confused. Why is the OMAD window four hours if you’re supposed to eat one plate of food within one hour?
I have had success in the past, focusing on once a day just works for me… however my biggest struggle now it time of day. I work nights now. I just wanna know if it’s better to do evenings before...
Hi, I did the 16:8 for about a year. Dropped about 15 lbs. This time I want to do it quick and lose more. Which do you find the most successful and how much time did it take you to...
Just looking for new ideas and snacks. Thanks for sharing!
I love fasting! I have been doing IF on an off for 4 years. And I was on keto for a year and half (luckily my ex wanted to do it with me). And recently I have been stricter with...
Hi, I'd love to try IF for weight loss. But when I wake up, I feel extremely nauseous (among other symptoms) and the feelings worsen until I eat breakfast. It does go away after several hours if I ignore it,...
Did my first OMAD. Yay!! It was easy yesterday. Then today, it’s 6:30am, and I am starving. How I am going to get to 8pm is beyond me. Is this hunger normal?
Has anyone gone the fast from noon to 7 am just so they can have breakfast and a quick snack mid morning? I love my hot creamy coffee. I love brunch. Can people that have experience with skipping lunch and...
If you're doing the 20/4 fast is it a bad thing to eat before bed? Does that matter at all? Should your 4 hour window be at a certain time of day?
I (relatively) successfully intermittently fasted on a 16:8 schedule last year. I was starting to really see results, but then I fell off the wagon after vacation and the stress of restoring an old home. Yesterday I decided to restart...
Hello all, I am 38M and had started IF aiming for weight loss (currently at 88kgs). Target is to reduce \~ 8-10kgs more. I have slowly settled into a 16:8 IF for the last 2 months. I need some advice...
I really want to commit to IF, but I have a djlemma-- I can't figure out how to set hours. - I think I'm somebody who would benefit from an eating window that includes a good breakfast. I take meds in...
I’m probably going to start fasting again. I work 1st shift and tend to snack as a form of stress-relief. From what I’ve read about other people’s experiences, eating around dinner time tends to make you hungry the following morning....
Sunday night post dinner to Wednesday morning breakfast. Goal: shed weight and give body some rest. Discipline myself. Will be doing these Monday n Tuesday fasts every week and will throw a longer one in every month. Any tips for controlling hunger?
I’ve been doing IF on my own for almost 2 months and I’m down 16lbs (yay!). Today my husband says to me ‘maybe I should try it, I have about 15lb I need to lose’. So we came...
How many meals are usually in a 16/8 diet? A full lunch and full dinner with no breakfast? Does that mean that 16/8 just means no snacking at night? So if I just skip breakfast and eat lunch and dinner...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I’ve been doing 16:8 or 18:6 fasting schedule. I’m about to head out of town for short trip with family; first day is odd as have to be up by 2:30am to get to airport by 3:30 for early morning...
I've been using IF almost 2 years along with CICO and I'm down 85lbs. Like most people I became a bit lax with my calories after the holidays but I've gotten strict again at the beginning of the month. I...
I am not a big breakfast eater so I usually try and do my 18:6 IF from 2-8pm. I wake up around 9 most days and I sleep around 11:30 if that matters. Will i have better results if I...
Hey guys I was wondering, any tips to avoid hunger when your family makes big family dinners, or casually get invited out by friends? I always feel like the man til everyone gives me temptations
Im working on my diet but if my eating window is smaller and i still eat the way I was, wouldn’t that reduce my weight. This might be a stupid question but im just starting out.
Hey guys I got used to 16:8 20:4 I think I’m gonna try out 23:1 to see the dramatic changes! Any advices or tips be appreciated!
I’m currently on a 7 day fast, for autophagy and to jumpstart ketosis. I want to come off of the fast into an IF schedule. I plan to do 16:8, but trying to figure out the best times for my...