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Help, nuseau after breaking the fast

Nausea after fast break

Hey guys, I need some fasting advice / help. I fasted 2 years ago regularly, including fasting for 48 hours 3 times a week. I really wanted to get back to it, because I felt really good during that time. I slowly worked my way up last week from 16 hours to 24 hours fasting period and did my first 48 hours from Saturday to today, again. I broke up my fast with a lunch, which was decently big, 900 calories and over 20 grams of carbs. After eating I felt pretty bad, including feeling like almost blacking out and my eyes started seeing black. I read that big fast breaks can make nausea, but I never had those issues on this level 2 years ago. Do you think the first meal was too big? Maybe too many carbs? I really would appreciate help and advice.

I already posted it on r/fasting but I got no answer, sorry if posting this twice is weird, I just really want to avoid that.

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Too heavy for a 24 hour fast! When you go long periods without eating you have to be slow about ingesting calories or it will make you sick. (Can turn deadly if you were to try fasting for like a week then binge)


I am just starting fasting so take my advice with a grain of salt. I had this too, I also had a really upset stomach after breaking a fast. I found that if I broke it with a little protein shake or Metamucil then that kind of eased my stomach back into accepting food without trying to immediately yeet it back out.


I felt nauseous today after a 18 hour fast. Like I had to force my food down. I’m really trying to up my protein so maybe it was just too much protein and fiber. Had a can of tuna fish, 2 hardboiled eggs and carbonaut bread (35 grams of fiber) Ugh 🤮

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