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Is inflammation the culprit that makes humans "age?"

Dry fasting is the antithesis of inflammation. Is dry fasting the epitome of living longer?

Are there any centenarians who currently practice dry fasting?

The exact and specific search, “centenarian dry fasting,” provides 0 results…

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(Going to post this in another sub but thought I’d comment it here because you asked about aging)

I believe the aging process for 99.9% of people in this world is extremely rapid compared to what it could be. Most people think around 100 years is the max but from my understanding with the right conditions, cutting out vices and degenerative activities, transitioning fully into the “Breatharian”/Pranic nourished state and living a lifestyle full of energy cultivation techniques on a consistent basis one could live to 1000 years or more.

From my perspective aging is caused by:

To purify the mind, body, energy and emotions, to heal, to regenerate, to reverse aging and to transition into the “breatharian” state if that is what you desire one path for this is to cut out dead, processed and cooked foods and move to a raw, living, water rich fruitarian diet while incorporating fasting and progressively changing your energy source of physical food to the less degenerative and more subtle energy source of Prana/Qi/Mana/Ka/Aether/Orgon/Life force energy/Source energy by progressively reducing the amount you are eating and how often you are eating while also doing a combination of energy cultivation and conservation practices like meditation, breathing practices, Qi gong, yoga, getting into nature, mindfulness and conserving and circulating your sexual energy/fluids. I’m not saying these abilities cant be achieved without living like this but some abilities that may unlock if you go deep enough into this healing and purifying way of living are astral projection, lucid dreaming, seeing auras, hearing thoughts, telepathy, interaction with beings in other dimensions and perceiving realities outside of the common mans visible light spectrum.

I don’t think how most of humanity live now to be a bad thing, just where this world seems to be at right now. There are experiences to be had, lessons to be learned and many opportunities for growth and conscious evolution in this world of illusion, materialism, dualism, separation, violence, hedonism and degeneration.

I’d imagine there are already thousands of humans living among us now who have beaten the Earth game, transcended the reincarnation cycle and have attained a state of immortality. We here about many monks and yogis meditating in caves and mountain tops for months and even years on end without the need for food or water. They’ve saw through much of the illusion and attained a level of mastery to where they know how there body and this world operates and they can live accordingly. Meditating in the lotus position without physical movement for days or weeks while getting there energy/food from the subtle omnipresent lifeforce energy field that surrounds us at all times and projecting there consciousness into other realms and worlds to embark on adventures and have experiences beyond the possibilities of this realm. I heard many of them will help there fellow man in mysterious ways too, like in dreams and the astral world when we sleep or a kind stranger you come across in a time of need.

I believe Humanity as a whole are not evolved in many aspects compared to what we once were but instead have fallen from heights we can barely even conceptualize at this point. Feels like there is a grand purpose to the fall though and we are benefiting in the long run because of it. Also seems like many of us are on the rise and climbing our way back up before or after this place resets again.

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