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People who have done 3day+ fasts for YEARS (or DECADES)... - your results...?

So my question is simple: The “concept” that fasting is in GENERAL good for your health has been around for…? Milenia…? AFAIK even socrates or some other greek/roman famous people have known and talked about the benefits of fasting…


So there simply HAVE TO be quite a lot (?) of people who have been doing 3 days (or even more days) fasts literally for YEARS, or even DECADES… Like started doing 3+day fasts several times a year in the… 90s etc…

My question is: Are here (on reddit) such people? Do you know such people? Have u read/heard stories about such people…?


What (“if any”) benefits were reported about/by these people who have been doing 3days+ fasts for a LONG TIME (years… decades even…)…? Like did they look on average 10 years younger? Did they lived past 90 years old…? Did they nearly ever got sick or cancer etc…?


Any reports about people doing fasting (3days +) for YEARS (decades) and their results…?


Thank you

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It’s impossible to say. It’s like the people who smoke all the life and live until 90+

I use it as a tool to change things in my current life here and now. I don’t think or care about the long term effects of it

Fasting brings on fat loss and that’s only a good thing isn’t it, unless you are underweight to start with


Disney - Chris Hemsworth series about health - episode 3 - is about fasting

Part of it covers Christians in Ethiopia that regularly fast as part of religion - including one a year fasting for 3 days while taking a 3-day journey on foot to celebrate Christmas. 75 year old says he’s never even had a cold and credits it to fasting

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